Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm Fl

"When you have to shoot, shoot, don't talk!" - Tuco Ramirez

I never had the sense that Lando was a "space hustler." If anything, Han fit that description.

A Murderer's Anonymous meeting chaired by Al Swearengen…just what the Hound needed :-)

I see what you did there!


Those are Stacker Pentecost rules!

Who is this stoner on Talking Dead?

+1, I usually watch it, but turned it off immediately tonight. Would rather watch reruns of Bar Rescue!

You mad bro? Cause I'm bouncing off the walls with happiness!

That last scene was 10 minutes too long. I hope the comic book fanboys are happy, because that was tedious and unfulfilling for the rest of us.

Whoa, did Carol just shoot the ambiguously asian Joseph Gordon-Levitt???

I've heard people say this, but I disagree. I think the spherical object seen falling out of the sky at the end of the first movie was the monster. This would be consistent with the spherical object dropped by the ship at the end of this movie that turned out to be a monster as well.


You should include a "spoiler alert "at the beginning of your post.

It seems like Fillion is listening to Hardwick's questions on tape delay.

The biters were headed for the infirmary, so Rick went out there to stop them. After his backup arrived, they started leading the biters away from the infirmary. Not the best plan initially, but it worked out once there were enough folks to draw the biters away.

Last night, a lot of folks found out why this once-great show ultimately got canceled.

Check out Dredd in 3D!

I'm waiting for a Simpsons-style gif of those two stormtroopers walking down the hall, seeing Ren throwing a temper tantrum, then slowly turning around and walking the other way. Please internets!

“You really think you’re gonna take this community from us? From Daryl? From Michonne? From Glenn? From me? Do you have any idea who you’re talking to?"