She's pregnant.
She's pregnant.
"I knew Malvo would show up in the bar scene…"
He's had it coming since the last patrol in Haguenau. Friggin' replacement lieutenants…
What? I love the new Lester…he's just plain awesome!
I like New Lester! :-)
Way to go England & MI-5, bravo. Haven't you been watching the show?
Just watched this last night. Its the worst movie I've seen in a very long while, and I'm a very forgiving movie viewer. To everyone still looking at this review (which is probably a very small group of people), please do not watch this movie.
Wait, are you talking about Adam Sandler or Eddie Murphy? Meh, probably doesn't matter.
Not a fan of goth Chloe :-/
Justified needs the equivalent of the silent beeps from 24 when a fan favorite dies. Going straight to the opening theme song was jarring coming right after Jimmy got shot.
When Darryl and Beth were in the trunk, did anyone else hear someone yell "help"?
the big reveal that's coming is that Darryl is gay. makes perfect sense…he gets lots of female @ss thrown at him, but you never see him make his move. i hope i'm wrong.
The Walking Dead S04E12: Beth Wants to Get Lit
Mad Men
The answer you're looking for is January Jones.
"This is the present Phillip. Enjoy it while it lasts."
I believe the Breaking Bad body disposal barrels were white (the cash ones were black though).
Marilyn Manson single-handedly justified the bullying of 'weird' people.
which sounds like something Carol would do
He's a mole / an agent for the Governor!