
Maybe not call out the actress next time will help

Sorry but Candice absolutely smokes Danielle

I know right she is God awful

You think Caitlyn was well written?

Give me an actual reason why u hate Iris than please

The 100 and The Flash 4 me

Her acting is great she runs circles over stiff as a board Danielle

When he singles out the actress and not the character i do blame the reviewer

Fuck u AvClub it was bad enough u bash Iris on a weekly basis but to bash Candice is a low blow she is a stronger actress than Danielle and better than any1 from the girls on Arrow


God i hope not ..vomets

Except Thea acted ooc and Iris acted like a normal person would

Wait Iris gets airtime she gets scraps and Candice does very well with what she gets

the flashbacks were the only good thing about this season 4 me

I agree i used to be an Arrow stan but this season was a train wreck and i can't believe that i think Felicity is my biggest issue and EBR is even worse an actress than Katie Cassidy if thats possible

2 words God Awful Felicity flying the Atom suit made me gag as did everything after that scene

Not at all

Laurel's Black Canary outfit looks awful why did it look so awesome on Sara?

She is the reason wtf?

Check The100 ladies the finest on tv