
Critics would disagree with u

Everything is more entertaining than The boring dead

Its easily the best cw show it doesn't even have competition

Opinions and a##holes

To us the audience not to the characters outside the Flash team

Magically turn her feelings on pleeeease give me a break

Grow up

Cisco is miles funnier than Felicity ever was

Oh gross,gross,gross

They were blood related though weren't they?

Skye is why i kept watching Agents and I'm glad i did

Laurel was completely obnoxious s2 of Arrow and i still find her hard to like

Skye and Iris are some of my fav tv characters number 1 for me is Raven Reyes from The 100

She already is demoted she barely gets any screen time anyway

Agreed I've been trying to avoid the sexist reviews especially when it comes to Iris

I would gladly swap Ray with Felicity

The flashbacks are the only reason I'm still watching

Nyssa and Laurel don't have much it so forced and lame

Except the Canary cry was eye rollingly bad

Their so terribly forced just another aspect of Sara's life 4 Laurel 2 steal