Charles Lupula

So, if Rick and Carl can take down dozens of zombies by themselves…why are there any other characters on the show and why should I ever believe they're in danger ever again?

I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who thought New Nightmare was not that great. Of course, much of that could have been colored by my dad's stories of how inept Wes Craven was on the set of Last House on the Left. Still, it's not a very good movie and I really hated that kid.

Two thoughts about this:

But Arrow doesn't count in the Man of Steel canon.

He's already Heimdall in the Marvel Universe. So it won't be him.

Well, you could have the show be about Jessica Jones' 18 months with the Purple Man, but that'd be a very different tv show.

This episode has taught me that Kathy Bates is not who you get when it's time for Christmas gift ideas.

I'm going to go with the dark horse candidate and saying Screamin' Jay Hawkings.

You slightly resemble Joss Whedon.

Don't get me wrong. I wouldn't watch a show that revolved around them, but it was nice to see that not every single human being left in the Walking Dead universe was a broody asshole.

Somewhere in Michigan, there's a factory where new cars are being produced by survivors who are being used as slave labor in exchange for keeping them away from walkers.

Hold on. I'm taking notes during a criminal conspiracy.

As soon as they introduced two somewhat likable characters, I knew they wouldn't survive the episode.

Actually, I loved it. This episode pretty much blew me away.

You went downhill after season 2!

Earlier, I stated how much I tend to hate the mythology episodes of this show, but this episode was AMAZING! While I kinda groaned when they all got powers at the end, otherwise, I don't have a single complaint. It was probably THE best serialized episode of the show.

While I'm normally big on story arcs on tv, I wonder if I'm alone in actually hating the story episodes of Dethklok. I watch the show for all the random shit that happens when you're in a band. There's so much I relate to on this show having been a touring musician. I hated the Church of the Black Klok episode, to be

Maybe it's me, but I feel like the show hasn't given me the requisite amount of crazy shit I expect from American Horror Story. I love Season One, precisely because it was just this mess of movie scenes and characters all thrown into a blender and then thrown at a wall. Frankentate and Bayou Stevie Nicks are not doing

Oh yeah? Well, I don't even have running water or electricity! I'm living off the grid, man! And I was doing it before it was cool!

As a huge Buffy fan, starting with Hush, I remembered hating the first couple episodes when they first came on and not watching again until Season Four. So, I went back and figured now, as a fan of the show, I'd appreciate the older episodes. Most of Seasons Two and Three were great. Season One, though…pretty awful