"Shrewd business move" usually equals "dick move."
"Shrewd business move" usually equals "dick move."
Larry the Cable Guy has to have so much money by now that he doesn't have to work.
This isn't Pixar's first bad movie. That honor goes to Cars. So it is only appropriate that Cars 2 is also apparently lousy.
Uh… all of the above?
'Days of Graduation' as the OPENER for Southern Rock Opera, with that amazing, echoey guitar sound… you know you're in for something great.
Ah! Love this album.
Bat out of Hell is the greatest sweaty teen-angsty adolescent sex record ever made. No small feat. It's huge and dramatic and overblown and funny in the way that all feelings of love and sex are when you're 16.
You guys actually take the opinions on this site so seriously that you hold grudges about them? It's pop culture! It's all taste judgements!
A show hosted by Zak Bagans is sexist, stupid and douchebaggy? Who'd-a thunk it?
PSYCHIC: I see a house… a man wearing human skin for a mask… chainsaws… bodies, made into barbecue… I see it!
Chainsaw is one of my favorite horror films because the grimy, hot, stinky, filthy, horrifying atmosphere in which they made the movie seems to have imprinted itself within the very film stock. Those kids are on a fucking miserable road trip even BEFORE the cannibal family shows up! After they show up? Iconic…
You guys are missing the point - a drive-in? Two long movies at a drive-in with smuggled food and drink and - if it's a warm enough night, and being mid-July I'd wager it will be - maybe you bring a couple lawn chairs and sit outside the car OR! you bring an old pick-up truck and put the lawn chairs in the bed, or…
A Widow for One Year is also a good choice.
I'd agree - Garp is probably the best intro to Irving.
For me…
… it's 'A Prayer for Owen Meany' and 'It.'
There's an Inventory piece for ya: Actors who, early in their careers, gave great comic performances, then for some reason abandoned comedy to become average dramatic performers. Penn (who has been far better than average, to be fair) would lead the list. I'd put Michael Keaton on there, too - though he seems to be…
Worked with Romanus on an indie film a few years back. He was a great guy. One of the highlights was listening to him - in that calm, smooth Damone way - tell very funny stories about getting stoned.
You know, you CAN actually watch it, rather than musing about it on message boards. It's pretty available, honest. Then, see, you can come back and tell everyone what you thought.
Guys who wear this liquid stench…
… are referred to as AXEholes.
Yup, flaming water buffalo. Not boars. I second that.
I think there's gotta be a way to merge Hangover Part III with Hostel Part III. THAT'S a movie I'd see opening night.