jell-o shot


oh coool thanks for the heads up on both that and not merging the accounts!

oh man I would LOVE to write about Shaun of the Dead for this but I can't figure out how to make my disqus account work on any other site (I made it AVC specific and can't figure out how to expand it further because disqus sucks)

yeah, I feel like I'm seeing a lot more racists and MRAs. it's a huge bummer.

what is it, genre-wise? I'm not really able to check at the moment.


durka durka, muhammad jihad.

my girlfriend and I considered getting one sometime in the last quarter of last year but it turns out they're really no fun as pets (which is too bad because you basically can't name a cuter animal)

you might want to get the 'doo' checked out.

burpa gerp a slappa doo

my sleep schedule is all fucked up so whatever what's up

yeah I'd call this rotten behaviour. yuck.


millions of comic book fans and casual viewers enjoy mcdonalds too, that doesn't mean it adds up to a satisfying meal. that said, yes 6 billion dollars is a lot of money and these movies are very, very good at fanservice and assuring the audience they're having a good time. telling solid stories, not so much.

I'm not friends with the marvel movies so take this with a grain of salt, but my god the hoops MCU diehard fans will jump through to defend the identikit structure in every single film.

"stop complaining" on a film criticism site, no less.

I haven't watched it since the first season but I remember enjoying it a lot. I was basically a completely different person then than I am now though, so I'm not totally sure! I vote go for it

I'm actually talking about the entire films. if they added up to a satisfying individual experience (I'd argue they do not) I would probably be more able to see the end tags as little teasers.