jell-o shot

dunno how much people care about digital comics but this is a great great bundle. D4VE is the very best thing

LOST. lost lost lost. though it did it very deliberately and on its own terms, I guess? I'm not sure if it actually matches the question so maybe never mind

Independence Day is not in my top 3 Roland Emmerich films. If you haven't, you MUST see Day After Tomorrow - it runs out of ways to make its premise scary or interesting after 15 minutes, and the stuff it pulls out of its ass is INCREDIBLE.

"rest assured though, we both hate women!"


so this is awesome and by awesome I mean deplorable. Skyler Page, creator of CLARENCE, has molested MORE THAN A FEW women working in the industry

the '50s, I guess.

if only there had been some payoff with that ring. or the letter.

I recall matthew fox saying as season 5 was concluding that he anticipated no flashbacks, forwards, anything. just pure island endgame. I wonder what happened with that.

I think he probably would have been in a challenge-triangle of sorts, exacerbating on the constant locke/jack debate by not really agreeing with locke on faith either. as far as bigger mythology-based stories? they probably had no idea either


I actually kind of remember liking his arc, because it was appropriately winding down in the way the rest of the show probably should have been. 5 was kind of peak craziness for everything, and while season 6 had a lot of NOTHING HAPPENING I feel it would have done well to wind down some character arcs in a similarly

and the simpsons ended with Homer's Enemy, You Only Move Twice, and The Itchy and Scratchy and Poochie Show, among others

was that maybe them trying to sell the idea that "it's not really him! it's his brother"? I mean, it's STUPID, but that's the most logical thing I can think of

yeah I argued something similar…SOMEWHERE, I'm kind of surprised how much I've posted here today. it would also be cool if there had been multiple timelines shown across the season to show that no matter what happened these people were connected/the island would always interfere, but bleh coulda woulda shoulda

weirdest part re: eko: the character that would make the most sense in the church wasn't even there



what's amazing here is I pretty much straight-up agree with you. it's JUST that fucking church that bugs me and paints the whoole thing in a light I'm pretty sure the creators didn't intend, but is too much for me to ignore. I'm actually pretty cool with the afterlife angle, though maybe I would have preferred to see

that's fair enough! and I think they got relatively close to selling that (and lack of answers didn't really bother me at all). It was just several little cues that added up to one bigger ugly one for me.