
I do sometimes wonder if Bryke regret that they ever created the Avatar State as a thing. They spend so much time in both series finding ways to work around it.

Don't really agree with some of the griping that I've seen about Korra losing so easily to Kuvira.

I think it really depends on the episode and the ability of the writer to make their point without hitting the viewer over the head with it.

I enjoyed the episode (particularly Varrick and Zhu Li), but it was a little clunky in its dialogue and in terms of spelling things out.

I think it's a fair point Oliver makes about the lack of action. I don't think it's hurt the show as much as he does, as I think the writing and characterization have picked up the slack.

Definitely better. Maybe someone Sisko talks to about the Cardassian-Dominion alliance.

New Orleans is a gorgeous city.

They do this briefly in "Tears of the Prophets," but I think, if the show had aired just a few years later (during the Iraq War), the writers would eventually have made Jake an embed (reporter) during the war.

That assumes they actually know who they are anymore. Perhaps they have just gone too far, too deep…

Kira as a character (and Nana Visitor's improving performance throughout the seasons) only gets more impressive as the years tick by.

Yes. I mean, who among us hasn't had those incredibly close friends who just up and move away?

I remember reading (I think it’s in the “DS9 Companion,” which is really required reading if you love this series) that Ira Steven Behr had hoped to be able to work on the script for the series finale for weeks, and really devote a lot of time to crafting the best possible work. But then Ron Moore’s wife went into

Actually, I'm not sure Weyoun has a mother.

If anybody wants the feels, this skillfully done music video features one shot (in order, mostly) from every episode. (*Must hold it together*)

I would say, to the Female Changeling, the choice was: Allow the Jem'Hadar and Breen to wipe out as much of the alliance fleet as they can, while simultaneously sending the message that any conflict against the Dominion comes at too high a price to risk, or leave them stronger, but trust in Odo to save their people

I think this (these) is the one. These episodes have everything you could ever want out of DS9: space battles, intrigue, one-on-one scenes between great actors, character growth, Sisko being awesome, Defiant being bad-ass, Garak being Garak, shocking twists, great directing, and series-altering events.

I believe it was because they used audio of her in "Penumbra" without permission, and she (or her agent, I think?) was unhappy about that, and so refused to let them use footage of her for the finale.

I've never been able to get my brain to accept that post-series (any series, really) novels, comics, etc., are actually part of the same story I was watching.

They also bring back the theme from "The Visitor" in Sisko's goodbye to Kasidy.

Maybe Zack can pitch an article on comparing and contrasting the three "Trek" shows he's watched in their entirety? They certainly all have different strengths and weaknesses.