Professor Poopy Pants

I have listen to the new Spoon album about 7 times now. My knee-jerk grade is in the B+/A- range. Some great atmospheric tunes coupled with some stone cold stunners. C+ it is not. But who gives a shit. AV Club music reviews are formatted in such a lazy way these past few weeks, it is hard to even take them

I keep on playing Forza Horizon 3. I thought eventually I'd get sick of it, but there is always one more race to win.

I refuse to take part in this Internet nerd rage over this. We accepted the most asinine faces ever in Skyrim, we can accept this as well.

In Witcher 3, your horse Roach just floats off everywhere and essentially becomes useless but the Internet decided that is charming. They draw the line at videogame faces that are too videogamey

The nerds have spoken and they want accurate facial expressions, unless it is hour 300 of Skyrim.

He was almost too charismatic in the Guest. I wouldn't have minded if he killed everyone and easily got away.

Have you not seen her in season 2 of Fargo?! She is built well my friend.

DC Vertigo? Absolutely.

Yes. I always feel like I have to say things like "keep in mind, I saw this on one of the largest screens in the country and I know you watched it on your iPad while you waited for a connecting flight in Chicago."

For those of us here in Massachusetts, see you at Jordan's furniture for some IMAX, butt kickers and maybe this chaise lounge I have been eyeing

ABSOLUTELY! I am 38 and to this day it is STILL one of my most memorable film going experiences ever. That and sneaking into Showgirl

My two regrets in life are that the Edgar Wright version of the Ant-Man movie never happened and also not telling my dad I loved him before he died.

Yes!!!! Best idea ever!!!!

No way. I love Disney World and don't want to run into his ghost anytime soon

That and bro-downs with Sir Richard Branson are all part of the long con

Somebody turn Dikachu's slogan into a Trump photoshop extravaganza

Count me with the rest of the commenters utterly confused by this review. This and the final episode were just so much fun to watch. My kids were screaming during it. And NPH honestly floors me he is so good in this. I have to remind myself that Count Olaf is a horrible murderer whenever he comes on the screen

Its actually quite good. But what do I know, I post as a person named Professor Poopy Pants

Its tracks of some recently played stuff mixed in with similar stuff. I've discovered lots of new bands already because of this feauture.

Vinyl for your office or car though? Also with Spotify and most streaming services, you can download for offline listening (and at high quality too). I think I have like 50 albums on my phone at any given time for offline listening. I like it because I can download at a higher quality on my home Wifi and not cut