uncanny valley girl

I thought Kurt should have sang Christina Aguilera's "Fighter"

It seems like that would have been a good place to slip in a "management taking care of it" thing, since they used to do that and then stopped but now (presumably) would be doing it again and it would fit in with the whole Michael is becoming the thing he hates (now with the same perks!) even though he thinks he isn't.

I hadn't read that before and it was very thoughtful and great. It gave me good insight into the show too because I thought it was odd that Rachel and Shelby wouldn't give getting to know each other a chance but I guess that's not such an unbelievable possibility.

I love this show, I'm excited about the plot threads they set up this episode, and there were a lot of great scenes, but then it just sort of stopped and the credits rolled. Fully serialized dramas usually have shorter arcs within the show so that each separate episode has its own small conclusion or payoff and I

Smtrnu that is a good answer. I was surprised that Joe didn't but out some lawyer skills and at least try to bluff an answer instead of WAALTing all over the place. Maybe he's a contracts law guy or maybe he's just a terrible lawyer (if he even still has a job - the MC said Tamara was there a month ago so time has

Best product placement
Lysol! 4 out of 5 widows agree that it's the best for cleaning your husband's blood off the dining room wall.

Mr. Majestyk was written by Elmore Leonard? I did not know that but it makes sense.

What kind of special ed college class has the teacher asking the students to write the date on the chalkboard? Maybe that is why they have to go out and intimidate 6th graders.

He does the same thing over at Sepinwall's blog

What I've liked this season is the whole "how much bad is it ok to do for the right reasons" theme that's been hinted at but hasn't gotten nearly as much attention as the Gilroy business. I wish we'd spend more time on that (although it does seem like at some point Michael is going to figure out that he doesn't

See, you're not the only one. I like him too and I think he deserved the win. This was a really good challenge - lots of pleasing stuff on the runway and good ambition with a bunch of them making jackets and pants and other hard items.

All right let's do it. I've been thinking about getting my face tattooed with the muscles of my face so it looks like I have no skin so that when the zombie apocalypse comes I will be able to blend in with the zombies and they won't eat me. But I worry that other non-zombies might mistake me for a zombie and kill

I, too, loved this movie - the visuals, the story, the little girl, everything. I'm a sucker for movies where the telling of the story changes the story and the story changes what is happening in the reality (I hope that makes sense - I don't know if there is a proper term for it). In that way I'd compare it more to

But how would Boyd know he needs a way to deal with an apocalypse that is in the future?

My take was that Boyd programmed Saunders to kill Bennett to keep the Caroline wedge from being reconstructed, since he knows she knows who he is. Saunders asked Bennett if she could fix it right before she killed her. Boyd has had constant access to Saunders. She might not be a sleeper, she might have been

My top two both come from the waitress getting married episode: the dating profile conversation and the date. Milksteak!

I, too, liked the new Kong and that T-Rex fight was awesome. And one of my favorite moments in the film is after the fight when Kong wont look at her he's all huffy because she ran away but then he swings her up on his shoulder anyway. And I cried when he died.

Being John Malkovich.

For me it got better after episode 6 but still wasn't really great. I was ambivalent about the cancellation until these last 2 weeks when all of a sudden its gotten much more interesting and now I'm sad it's canceled. Oh well.