
where oh where has my avatar gone….
AV Club you are really testing my will to stick around

I still get the occasional chuckle
but wtf? this death spiral of a sitcom still gets coverage while a half dozen still compelling and compelling comment generating shows get unceremoniously dumped?
(shakes head)

another show review bites the dust?
there are fewer and fewer reasons to visit this site
soon there will be none i fear

Holy fuck
that made my year

Methinks you are selling seven year olds short
myself at that age I knew what and whom assholes and fakers were
i feel i had an innate bullshit meter, so why not Patton's little girl? infact I kinda figure especially Patton's girl

So glad Americans is back
Thanks for the DEVO took me back i tells ya

I was thinking for fucks sake LOOK AT HER

Major bummer

I think the C+ is a bit harsh
i enjoyed the ride,Lynskey as always was great

Lars is a douche
always and forever
that is all

That is actually close to Stefanie Beatriz' real cadence
Check out her "podcast" on youtube
the difference is jarring from her voice on B99

that was spot on
even tugged at my stone heart a lil bit lol

Confused yet very intrigued
will watch

Ok hear me out
this show is comedically a half beat off,by that I mean i like the actors the premise and even the script…but it's all "off"
kinda like listening to good stereo speakers on a good amp that are out of phase (left right channels switched for all you youngsters) it sounds almost right but somehow it's fucked

aww fuck RIP
I have loved her all my life
she was special

untrue, rewatch ..they are both seen smoking, as a smoker i notice these things
why are you so resistant to this idea ffs?

ok but out of order or not the pilot ep had both of em smoking so I find the complaint curious is all

smokking was not a habit conveniently formed at all
very first episode Aunt swipes nieces smokes and they are seen smoking many times after
and said niece was the victim on The Night of..wow she looks different

"I wish they had just stuck with the Sherlock and John solving crimes together formula, instead of writing themselves into a corner with Mary and the spy stuff and then "bringing back" Moriarty and then Euros. If this is the final episode, it would have been nice to get an actual return to form, instead of this."

pretty damn sure it was Kiddy twister not Titty twister ,funny as hell ep tho