
sad, such a waste of talent

Indeed Susan is alive at the end, however unless I am miss remembering,even the cast have no idea who Westmoreland is (I watched after the black)

What can I say Strombo …and Helena shooting an arrow through a dudes neck in an adorable yet repulsive hat
I am happy

Good point, I had forgotten that lol

I feel like the inevitable backlash has begun, I too feel like the reviews while entertaining are undervaluing the season as it unfolds, a lot of the complaints strike me as minor if not downright incorrect (watch Art beating that dude again, he was careful to MAKE SURE he wouldn't leave noticeable damage, at least it

OB always amazes me with how much meat they can stuff into a single episode, this one was one holy fuck after another,starting with Krystal in those shorts……

I see what you are saying but I had the opposite reaction to MK she feels distinct
but I can see diminishing returns to adding clone after clone as I want to focus on the ones i know and love more.

frankly yes smart ass
google a little if you want to see my point

Dude is a hack , it is well known he edits many "takes" to achieve his magic on TV
as well as using plants and stooges
he needs to go away magic doesn't want him

loved loved loved this flick
that is all

I got a lot of laughs out of this ep
but hearing and seeing (essentially) Patton made me feel so damn bad it brought me out of the laughs
Patton my heart goes out to you and yours man

Alison had a hairnet to match her vest,because OF FUCKING COURSE SHE DID!
the Donnie and Alison and Helena show continues to amuse me to no end

I can see your point

I think the article is more a response to the BS that is floating around that the show was "cancelled" by so called journalists that obviously didn't watch it and or are talking out of their asses calling a "failure" when it clearly was no such thing

excellent point!

sweet holy fuck I love this show
Maslany's terror as Sarah in the end scene felt so damn visceral
Tatiania you are remarkable, and the whole sheep mask thing makes me smile


explain that
look smug is cool, but at least have a fucking opinion not a reaction

but that was kinda a good thing

great news!