There's an exemption "for small, women- and minority-owned businesses." The former makes sense, the latter implies sexism is a white male thing. ????
There's an exemption "for small, women- and minority-owned businesses." The former makes sense, the latter implies sexism is a white male thing. ????
Kinda cracks me up that people have to be "protected" on the internet from people posting opposite views.
There are so many people here who actually believe this…
No one stands for anything on the internet. Nothing is at stake. Which is unfortunately one of the reasons Donald Trump, and will likely remain, President.
I love that the list of actions for A Day Without Women includes "Avoid shopping for one day." Did anyone think the wording of that through?
Says the person who views Overboard as a rape fantasy.
Do you hate people who laugh at the Three Stooges, when clearly Moe has trapped the other two in a physically abusive relationship?
LOL "You refuse to see things as I do and that means you don't know." It's comments like this that lead to attacks on your maturity.
So you'll go for sexism instead.
You're playing the rhetorical game of "what I call something is what it is." Hawn is never raped because there is no coercion—she doesn't have sex against her will. She isn't kidnapped because they don't abduct he. She isn't enslaved because she can leave anytime she wants. This isn't the equivalent of the Patty…
Getting aggressive because someone won't agree with you, huh?
When the action is done in the service of comedy and nothing nefarious happens, yeah, to call the movie out on moral grounds is to miss the point.
It is when you're talking about a movie. Did Oceans 11 offend you because taking what doesn't belong to you is wrong?
And how is that creepy? What idea is that connecting to? There's a noun here. Find the noun. Show your work.
You're just repeating yourself at this point. The movie takes place in a fictional realm. It is not meant as a template on dating or relationships. Being able to separate fantasy from reality, and what a movie is acutely endorsing vs. what is just a comical situation, is something adults are supposed to be good at.
Calling people out for what is inherent in your argument is rude. If there's no oppression, where do you derive the creepiness?
It is not more creepy than It Happened One Night. You need to separate oppression from lighthearted comedy tropes.
When I tied the movie into its genre and references to 1930's movie conventions, I was being "an engaged and thinking person." So nice try at the dig, but you don't get to decide who is engaged and thinking by the extent to which they share your conclusions.
I don't even believe in Lent and am thinking of giving it up for Lent.
Except Overboard isn't art and it clearly takes place in a fantasy world and it also makes a very big point about Russell unwilling to sleep with Hawn because he knows she doesn't have the information to make an informed choice.