
No, our system does not make them do it in a corner. Take a look at Sunday morning television. Compare the size of the "Christian Lifestyle" section of your Barnes and Noble to the Fiction section.
No idea can ever be banned, nor any person allowed to be physically assaulted for the advocacy of an idea. No matter how

Germany is not the United States of America. It is not based on our Constitution or our Bill of Rights. And I don't care what you care about. I care about protecting the rights of all citizens because that's what our country is dedicated to.

Defending from ideas? It's one thing if someone assaults you or the people you care about. But ideas aren't actions. It isn't that far from saying you want to ban Lolita because you're against pedophilia. We have to protect the rights of others to say what they want to protect our right to say what we want.

Well, they are going down the road towards a Holocaust. They are saying it's okay to hurt people they think are bad. It's innately dangerous to our democracy.

It is wrong, wrong, wrong. And frankly, the ACLU should stand up for his rights. Not because Spencer is a good guy. He isn't. But because these are the basic principles of our country, the bedrock foundation of our nation. How do you not understand this?

That sounds like "all women trying to demonstrate their equality should be afraid all the time" or "these uppity blacks should be afraid all the time." There is zero difference. You just think the group you want to control should live in fear, not the group you don't want to control.

How can you of all people support this?

Mein Kampf is still in print in America. The Clansman might very well still be in print in America. And tons of political writings saying "We should exterminate X group are still in print. That does not give any of those people the right to act on their beliefs, nor does it give us the right to physically assault

No. The assumption of this argument is that people have the right to say whatever the hell they want to say, no matter how horrible it is. What they don't have the right to do is carry out those acts if those acts violate the rights and freedoms of others. Really, this is not a complex argument.

Show me where Cookie talked about a "light tap on the face," and yes obviously they are different because children are still learning to be socialized. Chances are, the child who bloodies another child's nose can end up in a juvenile detention center, or suspended from school or I guess the parents could be sued. But

You know those are not the same things. You also know that what happens between two kids is very different from what happens between grown adults. One is actually an illegal act.

Cut the crap. We guarantee freedom of speech in this country. If you can prove this guy provokes violent acts, have him arrested. We don't get to take justice into our hands. We don't support lynch mobs here.

I'm looking at all those likes for Cookie's statement, and hearing people respond to me that it's okay to physically assault someone you think is a bad or dangerous person when they have been convicted of no crime. This is genuinely sickening. It's the very mindset that led black churches to be bombed in the 60's.

Then you have problems. Seriously. You are advocating Nazi tactics. Freedom of speech, especially political speech, especially speech we abhor, is the cornerstone of our democracy. We don't assault people for being different from us, or for hating us, or for hating others. It's the definition of un-American behavior

Yeah, no. Voting legally. Assaulting someone. Not at all analogous.

Your heart is never in the right place when you think it's okay to inflict violence on someone who is inflicting no violence.

He's not a child. We don't spank adults. Unless they ask, and then there's an agreed upon safety word.

You're…advocating Nazi strategies as okay tactics…at least when directed against someone you don't like?

I agree with you there. That will probably happen. But racists are baffling—because they aren't thinkers. My died-in-the-wool racist aunt's favorite show in the 80's was The Cosby Show.

It's a typically racist thing to do. One more crappy thing about racism.