Abby Normal

Maybe it's because I'm a girl, but was anyone else creeped out by the fact that Amy's ladyparts got so screwed up that she can't get pregnant now?  What exactly happened on Demon's Run—did her eggs just get irradiated or was it something worse? 
Personally, thinking about it kinda give me the willies.

Maybe it's because I'm a girl, but was anyone else creeped out by the fact that Amy's ladyparts got so screwed up that she can't get pregnant now?  What exactly happened on Demon's Run—did her eggs just get irradiated or was it something worse? 
Personally, thinking about it kinda give me the willies.

Something I've wondered about a lot about Star Trek—-why is there always only one doctor?

My flashback-to-being-10-years-old song is "Heart & Soul" by T'Pau.  All the cool girls were big into trying to memorize all the lyrics, for some reason.

When I was in high school, "Beauty and the Beast" was the #1 date movie that all the anorexic cheerleaders would drag their mouthbreathing idiot boyfriends to.

I guess that is the crux of it.  My thinking was that it sounded more like it was supposed to be the first situation—I mean, his work on commercials pretty much consists of saying something in a funny voice; I wouldn't really consider him representative of the policy views of Visine (do they have any?), for example.

Okay, stupid question here, but bear with me—

I babysat for a family where a Psalty video was the only "kid-oriented" entertainment in the whole darn house.  Psalty was bad enough, but there were also all these adults playing children (kind of like on Barney but worse) which was hella creepy.

My guess is probably too expensive and/or not insipid enough.

I know I'm not supposed to still like them, but I really like U2's "Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)"

Well, JFC, I've got a dude in the hospital getting his leg amputated as I write this because he thought using a bunch of herbs and shit from the health food store was going to cure his diabetes.

I gotta admit that I really have a thing for old TV and radio ads.  Maybe it's because the medium was so new at the time and no one had any concept of how to make them clever or catchy?

A Mooslem bit my sister once…now mind you Mooslem bites can be pretti nasti..


My dad is a conservative evangelical Christian who was in Promise Keepers and that whole business, and there is no freaking way he would've even considered pulling this creepy "purity ring" baloney with me or my sisters when we were growing up.

How is Christ's message spread by a movie that no non-Christian would want to see?

As a drunk AND horny Episcopalian, I concur.

"Out of Time" was my gateway to REM, too, and I have to admit that I don't totally understand the hate toward it.  It'll probably always have a special place in my heart.

Dang, I had almost forgotten about that duet with the Indigo Girls. It gave me the shivers.

Yeah, I have to admit that when I saw this in the theatre I thought the rest of the movie was passable, but the last scene did make me turn squirrelly—as I recall, I was smacking my date in the arm and going "It's Vulcans! OMG it's so perfect!"