Abby Normal

After I read that poem in high school, I spent much of my remaining teenage years swooning over John Keats. Needless to say, I didn't do much of what you'd call "dating" back then.

I had always assumed that the higher cost of living in southern California explained why even stuff that I bought frequently (and thus was pretty sure about what it should cost) was always way more expensive on the show.

Took my three-year-old son to see it this week and he seemed to enjoy it, and afterward told the barista at Starbucks that "Ponyo is a little girl that makes magic."

I'll post it here because I can't get the "New comment to work"—

There are Christians out there that aren't douchey about it. They never get any attention because they're generally just minding their own business and not making crappy movies.

Can't believe no one mentioned this yet
But Box was so shiny that in much of his schene you can see the camera crew reflected in him.

I must be getting to this really late, cuz I can't figure out why everyone finds Flapjack so upsetting.

Prince of Thieves also had the best intro music ever, IMO. I played french horn in high school band and we played the theme to PoT for one of our concerts. It was probably the only thing we got to play that had a kick-ass french horn part in it (as close as a french horn ever gets to kicking ass, anyway.)

*holds hand in front of husband's face in effort to annoy him*

I guess he did a lot of concept albums
But I wondered why there was no Frank Zappa—I like "Joe's Garage."