Brian Beauford Mack

First Job
My first job was clerking at a little independent bookstore that really only sold mysteries and NYT bestsellers. On the weekends, the local radio station only played 80s music. Unfortunately, it was the same ten songs over and over. So I got really sick of the Police's "Spirits in the Material World"

Yeah, I started with Salem's Lot, and I really liked it, despite not being a King fan overall. Plus, being terrified of vampires while I laid in bed at night was a nice departure from my zombie-fears inspired by World War Z at that time…

Holy crap, MelissaW. I also saw the ISO do "Pictures" last weekend. It was pretty fantastic. I too have to say the Ravel is better.

Boxcar Children
When I was a kid, I wanted to be one of the Boxcar Children. For some reason, the idea of living in an old train car eating berries and stolen bread without any parents around sounded kind of awesome.

Jack Kerouac
I agree his stuff hasn't aged well at all. When I was younger, I thought it was just too messy to read. Now, it's just bothersome and surprisingly misogynistic. Ick.

It's as Ann as the nose on Plain's face.