
Been there
Fincher has used this trailer tactic before, though to much better effect.

I was young and confused
I was working at a movie theater when this came out, and I only watched it to kill time before we ran a sneak preview of "Scream 2". I had the wrong priorities back then.

No thanks
I'll stick with Carlin's own autobiography, "Last Words," which he worked on up until his death, and was posthumously released.

I'm going to be pissed if BBT ends up killing Community's ratings and getting it canceled. A lot of shows I've loved have been canceled before, but this would be the first time for me that one beloved show directly kills another.

Just a reminder to everyone
There ain't no party like a Liz Lemon Party, 'cause a Liz Lemon Party is MANDATORY!

I pre-ordered on Amazon and they delivered it a day early, so I watched this last night. It looks pretty good, but a lot of the film's grain was artistically intentional, so it wasn't quite as crisp as I was hoping for. Still, it's the best the movie has looked since I saw it in the theater, and there are a few new

My picks
I'm particularly fond of "The Old Man in the Cave" (with James Coburn), where a post-apocalyptic community is struggling to survive, and "The Shelter," where an entire neighborhood under the threat of nuclear attack tries to force their way into the one available fallout shelter.

The pre-order page for the Blu-ray on Amazon specifies that it has the Attenborough narration, just like the Planet Earth set did. Thank God for that.

It appears I have made an error of my own. She is not naked in "Stolen," she is naked in "Death in Love," the OTHER movie she made with Josh Lucas last year.

An egregious omission
It should be noted that Firefly's lovely and talented Morena Baccarin is also in this film.

The nuts are mixed in with the caramel, directly above the nougat.

I loved that when Sheldon was busing tables with a confused Penny in tow, Bernadette walked by and wasn't even phased by it.

The Walking Dead
As a horror fan, I was kinda hoping to see The Walking Dead make the list. As it stands, I supposed I can settle for being pleased that my second favorite series, The Goon, made the cut.

America's Favorite Funny Best Friend
How dare you give this honor to Sara Rue over Judy Greer!

Who would have thought…
…that the fresh-faced object of Parker's love in the first episode would grow up to fight zombies in a series of ever-worsening videogame movies?

But we still have Tito, and that's all that really matters.