It looks like it disappeared.
It looks like it disappeared.
I wish he would.
But you're blocked, queen. It's fine.
I saw that edit.
yes you're right rape didn't happen at all before moving pictures were invented
Lol if you don't have GoEE blocked.
Valentina DESERVED to be came for. Save it.
I am SO glad they read Valentina for her mentally ill fans. And I had a run in on my own! That stupid Boo Boo Kitty bitch or whoever she is
I, too, don't have a sense of humor and take everything completely literally.
Sorry to hear that your period key is broken.
You forgot Bo Derek (lol)
wow this joke gets more and more hilarious each time you post it, please post it more
You sound fun.
Fingers crossed for Simpsons Hit & Run as my gamecube no longer works, and I would definitely re-buy it to play on my Xbox One.
Because I'm using my constitutional rights you fucking thickheaded dipshit. I can call names too, you utterly unintelligent, pointless, hateful waste of life.
We actually have the right to criticize our president whenever we fucking want to. Don't like it? Feel free to leave the country.
Moderate Dave, everyone
"Black people are monolithic" is kinda racist in itself actually.
Stop trying to make cassette tapes happen. I know that you want us to go back to the days where we have to buy an album 5 or 6 times because our copy keeps breaking, thus inflating your sales, but it's not happening.