This is it, everyone. This is the worst post.
This is it, everyone. This is the worst post.
Mine is Amy Winehouse's "Rehab" which really does say more about me than I care to admit
great, now do a comment about "SJWs" or "libtards" or something
Go away, the adults are talking.
This is the worst post I've ever read.
We're adults, you can say shit here.
or preferably don't watch Gump Roast at all.
Well, no one knows about stupid shit people post more than you, I imagine.
Eh… are we really surprised that tearsholding has a reading comprehension issue?
Came here to wonder aloud why that particular quote wasn't in the article.
lmao if you think Hillary is anywhere near socialism, what the fuck
Well…at least it didn't take you 20 years.
I don't know if I would call it the worst, but it was definitely boring (which never bodes well for an SNL episode).
Why was that Trump supporter not immediately arrested?
They HAVE gotten better about not having as many token characters, but I agree that it's still an issue.
Check this shit out. He was probably telling a joke and not actually being serious.
RPDR All-Stars is a finale tonight, I'm pretty sure. Just minor nitpicking.
This is the worst post I have ever seen.
Compelling shit, man.
Went there for recipes for a Ribwich and was incredibly disappointed