
While I also don't "agree" with Huck's violent outburst I think it's totally in character for an emotionally damaged former torturer/assassin and both actors played the scene out beautifully. I wonder where Huck and Olivia's relationship stands from here on out, it's a pretty huge betrayal to find out that she's the

I did!

really? I like evil daddy! he's a whole new level of crazy I just can't get enough of. His twice as good and half as far comment last week officially made me a believer.

K I hate to be mean but this is a fairly shitty review. I saw the episode, I know what happened. We, or well at least I, don't read this website for basic plot summaries, I read this website for its insightful and poignant commentary on the TV shows we binge watch for entertainment. Sadly I have to ruminate about this

Speech also struck me profoundly. I was shocked to be hearing something I hear all the time as a black female in medicine right then and there on my tv screen. It's the truth. Twice as good and half as far. In all the years grey's anatomy has been on Shonda Rimes has never acknowledged race that way. Thank you for

I stopped watching the middle of this season after Deb's murder suicide attempt when I realized the writers were willing to go to GREAT LENGTHS to avoid allowing dexter any modicum of responsibility. This ending is laughable and pathetic to what once was a fairly decent show.

Question for the group- why does everyone think Walter is planning to save Jesse? Jesse betrayed him and is partially to blame for Hank's death and the dismantling of Walt's family. How is he, for any reason, not on the same list as Uncle Nazi and Toddy the Terror? I have a hard time believing a character Walt has

my thoughts exactly, not that I don't enjoy Newsroom but it's not even on the same league as this show, much less the same playing field. Weak.

Also, the lengths they're willing to go to give Jesse a fate worse than death is literally painful for me. Jesse the only main character who I have been rooting for since somehow amidst all this evil he managed not to lose his soul, only to have it ruthlessly gutted out time and time again, leaving us begging for a

agreed. there was a time where I was unfazed by his yes-man behaviors, including his atrocious crimes but it's officially to the point where his psychopathology can't be ignored and needs to be put down.

also the degree to which this show is willing to f*ck with Jesse has rendered me emotionally desensitized because my heart just can't f*cking take it. I can't even.