I liked it!
I liked it!
Jessica, did you just fart?
Why is Target Lady on the Tolerable side?
Two seasons and a movie.
How 'bout a crazy wedding?
He tweeted it!!!!
Space coyotes?
I liked it!
What are you?!
Linguo, dead?
In Rainbows
In Rainbows
In Rainbows
In Rainbows
In Rainbows
In Rainbows
In Rainbows
In Rainbows
It's a harmonica.
I really liked this episode. It made me laugh many times. I didn't care about the Nedna thing, in fact, I forgot about it until the cold open, but I thought the reveal was brilliant. First prize first prize first prize…
He still is the godfather of soul. Check him out y'all.
I've seen it mentioned a few times that the dean is now a regular character. Wasn't he always a regular? In my mind, yes.