Thank You for Explaining

K-9: The one that isn't Turner & Hooch.

Oh god… *Which* tubes?

I can already tell that I'll end up not watching the show but reading the reviews religiously.

This is like a mini Twilight Zone episode. Nice!!!

This is a show with *patience*. That scene of Hannibal futzing with Will's fishing lures seems to have occurred so long ago (in terms of our viewing) and, at the time, was allowed to remain unconnected to anything and unremarked-upon. (I think it was on the same trip as the sausages he gave the dogs, which might have

Thank you so, so much! The made-up dialogue you use to spell out the subtext is stone-cold hilarious. I confess I never noticed it was the same tie, but I *did* get the impression that Hannibal looked straight at the camera. Your hypotheses are really well-supported. I do wonder now what someone who doesn't know

Nicely put!

Nice. If she is indeed warning him, then that's evidence against the theory that he is holding her under his thumb with the implied threat of violence or, more generally, that she is afraid of him. (She would relish his capture if that were the case.) If they are something like friends, though, then she would warn

I definitely see all this in Hannibal's expression, everything you described so well, but I think that it's possible that Will is triumphant too. True, he is in a cell, and properly framed—but he is also seeing clearly now, he knows who he is, he knows that he is not crazy (well, not beyond his baseline level), and he


Maybe we have a Kara Thrace/Leoben kind of thing going on…

Who is the Non-Union Mexican Equivalent of Gary Oldman? Maybe this Canadian guy:

Will smiling is a little unsettling—it's just so unexpected. I see Mads is pretty Lecter-esque in that shot, though, and, oddly, that's comforting. This is so weird.

All those stray green pens they must adopt.

I wondered if that smirk was also letting Will know that he, Will, had been right and Hannibal was a killer. A sort of admission of victory (Hannibal admitting Will had won, despite what the surroundings might suggest).

Ah, LIFO: for all your ear-upchucking accounting needs.

Hi, The Woman! :) Welcome.

Solid reasoning.

Oh man, I am laughing so hard my sides hurt. Thank you.

It's probably reaching to think that this is an inversion too, the wounded woman. But it occurred pretty close to the clock epiphany wherein maybe she realized Hannibal was iffy.