
Cullum's future Northern Exposure co-star Janine Turner was also in that episode.

In the middle of which was the Isle of Lucy

I was surprised they never made more of the fact the Lucille's prison number is "Hello" in calculator spelling.

And interestingly, I think that Christina Yang is also the only Jewish character on the show.

No, that would be Bert Cooper.

There's also a Superman story from 1995 that crossed over with Zero Hour in which Batman kept changing versions/designs

He also played "Man in Chair" on much of the tour of "The Drowsey Chaperone" (which, as mentioned in earlier reviews was from some of this show's creators).

Nope. To  me he will always  be Pete from Brisco County

Until I saw it spelled out here, I never realized Green Beetle's real name was basically "Barsoom"

If not Ra's then the Sensei, the original leader of the League of Assassins, who is tied into Deadman's stories.

My favorite bit was about the Cadbury Eggs. My wife had the same reaction when we visited London.

Christopher, as the father of twin girls who just turned two, let me tell you that you are in for a wonderful adventure.

Maybe he prefers the Superfriends pronounciation. There was an issue of (I think) 52 where the evil Superboy of Earth-prime (which is "our" world) is torturing Mxy and pronouncing his name that way. Paul Dini once told me he and another writer had gotten into an argument about the right way.


My favorite line was Pepper's  “I grew up golfing with my father, the great Chaim Saltzman. Or, as he was known around the clubhouse, Chad Treadwell.”

And with "The Cho must go on" Alex's reply of "Come on, that one had to be on purpose."

I guess I'm not the only one to think that that would make a good epilogue, Don Draper circa 1980 out of work, until Peggy gives him a job.

One thing I remember about the Usenet discussion of "Cerements" when it came out, was people pointing out that at one point we have a someone telling a story where someone tells a story in which someone tells a story. And then we find out later the Brant is telling the original speaker's story to someone else adding a

This should have gone with the thread about the sleep-inducing effects of Keillor.

I once saw Keillor on the last day of a 4 day conference at 8 am. Not the best choise for that day and time.