
Plus it's a joke that refers to the song "Season of the Witch."

I think 24601 is also used as Sideshow Bob's number when he marries Selma

I think 24601 is also used as Sideshow Bob's number when he marries Selma

You forgot the second part
 We took some pictures of the native girls, but they weren't developed yet. So we're going back again next year

You forgot the second part
 We took some pictures of the native girls, but they weren't developed yet. So we're going back again next year

It's also park of the landmark rule. Australia gets show because everyone recognizes the Opera House. Any other city in Australia would not get shown. Canada doesn't even have that. Maybe the CN Tower but there are those who would confuse it with the Space Needle or something else.

It's also park of the landmark rule. Australia gets show because everyone recognizes the Opera House. Any other city in Australia would not get shown. Canada doesn't even have that. Maybe the CN Tower but there are those who would confuse it with the Space Needle or something else.

There was one about a sestina that led to several people writing one and submitting to the letter's page

There was one about a sestina that led to several people writing one and submitting to the letter's page

Not at my branch, but I'm sure it must have happend.A few other titles with those words also got a circulation boost.

Not at my branch, but I'm sure it must have happend.A few other titles with those words also got a circulation boost.

Leo: Are the babies okay? Toby: Yeah. They're great. And if somebody was hurtin' 'em, I'd drop napalm on Yellowstone to make them stop. Letting some prisoners out of jail wouldn't be nothing and I've known my kids for about forty-five minutes.

Leo: Are the babies okay? Toby: Yeah. They're great. And if somebody was hurtin' 'em, I'd drop napalm on Yellowstone to make them stop. Letting some prisoners out of jail wouldn't be nothing and I've known my kids for about forty-five minutes.

In my library system circulation of Shades of Grey got a recent increase in circulation thanks to people requesting it thinking they were getting "50 Shades."

In my library system circulation of Shades of Grey got a recent increase in circulation thanks to people requesting it thinking they were getting "50 Shades."

Wasn't this the episode that first established the 12 regeneration limit?

Wasn't this the episode that first established the 12 regeneration limit?

What worse are the Hollywood Videos which have been gone longer and are still empty.

What worse are the Hollywood Videos which have been gone longer and are still empty.