Also, you kinda wanted her to break up with you anyway?
Also, you kinda wanted her to break up with you anyway?
Not Winning…
This sucks.
Across how many dimensions do you love him?
Logan's Run was my first thought as well.
I've been running for 12 years now, and I guess my oldest has only 13 years left on the clock as well. Your life is more than half over son, how does that feel?
You guys are looking at this all wrong…
The Hurt Locker
Two scenes, two different actors:
I'm bracing for the Million Monster March.
That would be a world changing event!
I'm with JVS on that one.
The one song that makes me wish I really knew how to sing.
Check to O.R.!
First concert was The Stampeders at the Kitchener-Waterloo fairgrounds some circa 1975. I was 7.
Biked to her house after school. She rode me while on the couch in the living room while transformers (original series - I'm old) was on in the background.
Longest, most cathartic thread ever…
Green Fields of France -…
Just gave it a listen, and yep, it still gets me
But wait! There's more…
When I was in the military "the Green Fields of France" on November 11 would getting me welling up in no time.
The conversation begins and ends with "Valentines Day" by Springsteen.
if only I could believe it to be true
World War (of) Two
Pretty in Pink Ribbons
Hem of Your Garment (Tailor of Panama reboot starring Tom Green)