Donner Meat

Dear America:
Please Keep Him

I'm getting horrible flashbacks to those scene's in 'Dublin' during the 2nd series of Heroes. The Irish accents on last season were awful. I really hope the Sons stay in America, God forbid them trying to recreate the streets of Belfast. No doubt there will be a Irish pub with a fireplace and visable Irish flag in the

Another Crystal Maze refrence…
Is he living with Mumsy?

He isnt perfect by any means but there are little touches like asking if Peggy was coming to dinner with them I could not imagine Kinsey doing. Peggy is definatly in charge of that team.

Tommy Carcetti was Irish as well.

As Luther got more and more over the top with each episode I looked forward to it more and more.

I vote for Oz since it would be a good to see if it stands up against the shows it helped shape (like that Wire show I hear is good) and if the dip in quality was as sharp as I remember.

Glorious television
Was it just me who noticed a shot around the beginning of the episode of Pete, Ken and Harry in conversation in their usual sharp suits with Stan, Danny and Joey(?) in their more leisurely and beatniky attire, standing in an identical formation a bit away from them. The shop really reminded me of

I'm intiruged with the casting choices but I have no idea if its in a good or bad way. But one thing I do know for certain is that Michael Fassbender is an excellent actor.

Probably around the time of the Rob Schneider cameo

Garfield 3: Feline Groovy.

Raul Julia was the man
Addams Family Values was a movie I enjoyed immensely from start from finish, you can just see how much fun the cast are having hamming it up. As for this, I'm firmly with the 'enjoy Burton's original stuff, indifferent tp his reworkings, remakes etc' camp.

Matt Berry is sensational.

I would like to second the love for Vic and Bob's Catterick. I have no idea why it was never repeated (not even on Dave). You would think that Vic and Bobs style wouldn't translate well into an ever-moving narrative but its somehow the best thing they have ever done. Its one of the few British series that gets better

Wisdom of Ronnie
Its like beating a dead horse. And if the horse is dead, you should leave it alone.

Mark Heap (and Stephen Mangan) was the main reason I enjoyed Green Wing. Between his performances on Green Wing, Big Train, Spaced and Jam (Hell, even his short role on Look Around You as Dr. Leonard Hatred) I believe Mark Heap is one of the most underated comedy actors of the last fifteen years. He deserves better

This week's Mitchell and Webb
"I do know John, I do know. I cant get the fog to clear"

I always remember the dinner party episode being one of the best ones (mainly because of Michael's tiny, wall-mounted TV).

Nighty Nights second series took the concept of discomfort comedy to new heights, as well as having the most mean-spirited and nasty conclusion to a TV show I can remember. Very funny stuff.