
So it's cool to dislike Sideways now?

I love John Oliver and think he's hilarious, but what concerns me the most is his unproven ability to handle tragedy like Stewart. If something absolutely horrible happens will anybody be able to take Oliver seriously at all?

I finally watched Killer Joe, and had already knew about the "shocking" chicken wing scene, and I gotta say: it wasn't that bad. It was almost comical.

Fuck yes, so pumped for this.

That last scene is so emotionally powerful for me that I still choke up even when I watch it out of context. To have this wonderful, intelligent, touching series culminate so perfectly in a matter of 37 seconds is an astounding achievement.

Nathan for You is revolutionary. I know that's a strong word, but I was in tears catching up on episodes this past weekend.


"I like the movie Click."

The movie is honestly one of my all-time favorites. The rewatchability is otherworldly.

No, but Wayne Knight licked my popcorn butter-covered fingers when I exited the theater.

I'm not an advocate of 3D - rereleases or originals - but I saw JP in IMAX 3D on Friday and it was a damn good time.

I'll have to check it out.

As a Drive fanatic, I must say this is looking good.

This is Weekend Update with your host, Resident SNL Fat Guy!

I'm actually incredibly excited about this movie.

I honestly forgot Conan had a show still when I saw this news today.

Wow, I'm a longtime DS viewer and must have missed this interview. That was a little uncomfortable, not gonna lie.

I fucking love this guy - seriously not much more to say.

AMC's new lineup will have to be made up entirely of titles that contain "talking" rhymes to keep this going. Stalking, Gawking, Balking, Caulking - all have potential.

The band name Paint It Black is already taken?! Damn it! I guess we'll go back to The Under Assistant West Coast Promotion Man.