
It's probably just me, and probably has a lot more to do with how interested I am in the script. But still, I remember specific action beats from the Batman movies whereas I visualize something like one of the Matrix or Terminator sequels or Transformers and all I can remember are long periods of random noises, and I

It's probably just me, and probably has a lot more to do with how interested I am in the script. But still, I remember specific action beats from the Batman movies whereas I visualize something like one of the Matrix or Terminator sequels or Transformers and all I can remember are long periods of random noises, and I

In my opinion where Nolan gets virtuoso points is in how clean his action scenes are. Some people disagree but I think the smoothness and pacing of his action beats are some of the best in the business. I tend to get really lost watching action scenes in Michael Bay movies and the like because it all just tends to

In my opinion where Nolan gets virtuoso points is in how clean his action scenes are. Some people disagree but I think the smoothness and pacing of his action beats are some of the best in the business. I tend to get really lost watching action scenes in Michael Bay movies and the like because it all just tends to

I'm glad they never used that cover, just because it looks like the kind
of color-by-numbers metal album cover that would never get it noticed
in a record store in its earliest days. But on the other hand, I think
that that album cover is deeper than it lets on. Look at the hierarchy
of power there: from woman, to

I'm glad they never used that cover, just because it looks like the kind
of color-by-numbers metal album cover that would never get it noticed
in a record store in its earliest days. But on the other hand, I think
that that album cover is deeper than it lets on. Look at the hierarchy
of power there: from woman, to

Liked for Against Me! reference.

Liked for Against Me! reference.

This whole conversation should be a movie someday.

This whole conversation should be a movie someday.

Why is "someone made an unauthorized video with my name/brand on it" the new rap beef? Pretty soon we're gonna have dis tracks about contract disputes and videos portraying stockbrokers getting hit with baseball bats.

Why is "someone made an unauthorized video with my name/brand on it" the new rap beef? Pretty soon we're gonna have dis tracks about contract disputes and videos portraying stockbrokers getting hit with baseball bats.

@avclub-12401c7cd993a9a0ad39d0fb95e46877:disqus  I never got that vibe from them, he seems like a controlling perv. Plus every interview I've read about him he's seemed like a dick. And he's a cunt about ever answering Boy Meets World or Salute Your Shorts questions.

@avclub-12401c7cd993a9a0ad39d0fb95e46877:disqus  I never got that vibe from them, he seems like a controlling perv. Plus every interview I've read about him he's seemed like a dick. And he's a cunt about ever answering Boy Meets World or Salute Your Shorts questions.

Diablo Cody produced United States of Tara, which was an awesome show, so I'm optimistic about this one. I also think it's interesting that the Millenial is going to be the guy and the Gen-Xer the woman, because otherwise it's just all creepy and pedo-rific like so, so much of Cody's other work. 

Diablo Cody produced United States of Tara, which was an awesome show, so I'm optimistic about this one. I also think it's interesting that the Millenial is going to be the guy and the Gen-Xer the woman, because otherwise it's just all creepy and pedo-rific like so, so much of Cody's other work. 

Kurt Vonnegut's words and ideas were one of those rare gifts we get as a species. I think all of us who understand that have a responsibility to, in a manner of speaking, make sure those words and ideas come unstuck in time, so they don't get forgotten when Vonnegut just becomes another name from history. I can't

Kurt Vonnegut's words and ideas were one of those rare gifts we get as a species. I think all of us who understand that have a responsibility to, in a manner of speaking, make sure those words and ideas come unstuck in time, so they don't get forgotten when Vonnegut just becomes another name from history. I can't

I hope that oversight is reflected in your choice of vote tomorrow.

I hope that oversight is reflected in your choice of vote tomorrow.