Johnny Obvious

Been a long while since Jesse got stomped into a hospital.

Release the robotic Richard Simmons.

First of all, I loved the episode.

I thought Sir Paul's airline was called Wings.

For one thing, she has much nicer jigglemounds than RLC.

Didn't the cousins ditch their shiny suits in Mexico right around the time they gave their car to a goat?

Why the fuck is everybody so surprised that an old folks' home would have a Ouija board?

Yeah. His aunt gave the house to Jesse. She wanted him to live there, but his mother kicked him out. Then they sunk 400K into it for renovations, so he paid them 400K and moved back in.

Joke. No punchline.

You should try watching the show before coming to the recap page.

Agreed 100%.

Don't forget the axes, Mongo!
They also hack each other to death with axes.


That paycheck is probably pretty redeeming.

Why can't he be saying both?

I blue myself.

Finder's Keeper

Terry O'Quinn and Michael Emerson are PRIVATE INVESTIGATORS in SEEDY LAS VEGAS, but when a CORRUPT POLICE CHIEF FRAMES Emerson's ASS, O'Quinn and Emerson have to CLEAR HIS NAME before their ASSES GET CAUGHT.