The problem with corporate comics is that they make fan fiction into canon. The problem with creator owned is that occasionally the creator goes insane. (i.e. David Sim, Steve Ditko…)
The problem with corporate comics is that they make fan fiction into canon. The problem with creator owned is that occasionally the creator goes insane. (i.e. David Sim, Steve Ditko…)
I was thinking of this scene:
"I'll tell you what I tell everyone who comes in here: The law is powerless to help you."
You really have to feel for Regina in that situation, since I would have tried to kill Emma by now too.
Yes, and is Regina really that much eviler than real historical kings and queens? I was reading about the only Empress of China (in her own right, not counting the Dowager Empresses) and she was quite a piece of work.
Well, at least Regina genuinely loves Henry. Normally the reason why evil step parents are evil in fairy tales is that they act as parents to children they don't actually love. (Probably because they were created in more conservative times, and they didn't want to deal with child abuse by biological parents. So…
Well, you'd really just need one archer. Maybe with multiple arrows, ala Fellowship of the Ring.
"We want less zombie killing and more pointless conversations." "Ok, you'll have my resignation."
"We want less zombie killing and more pointless conversations." "Ok, you'll have my resignation."
You know what companion had a good story, Leela, she had a good story. The whole Sevateem thing.
You know what companion had a good story, Leela, she had a good story. The whole Sevateem thing.
Begin the "Paulie Dies"movement….
Begin the "Paulie Dies"movement….
I'll be honest, whatever downbeat horrible scenario involving alien supersoldiers, black oil, nanites, brain slugs, or whatever… looking at the modern world, I'm totally on board. Heck, for Europe, an alien invasion might be an improvement.
I'll be honest, whatever downbeat horrible scenario involving alien supersoldiers, black oil, nanites, brain slugs, or whatever… looking at the modern world, I'm totally on board. Heck, for Europe, an alien invasion might be an improvement.
If the microchip gets taken out of Kit, it works hard to crawl back inside him. All Arden had to do was take his eyes off it for a minute.
If the microchip gets taken out of Kit, it works hard to crawl back inside him. All Arden had to do was take his eyes off it for a minute.
Why stop the aliens? They seem to be sensible, helpful sort of people.