Pretty sure it's only killing her or killing Ollie. Or having her move away to start fighting crime with Roy I guess.
Pretty sure it's only killing her or killing Ollie. Or having her move away to start fighting crime with Roy I guess.
I really want Felicity to die at this point, but I also want this show to stop with the fridgings. It a real dilemma.
Please, Laurel has become a great character this season.
Man, what? Expose is amazing. It's a fun little one off that ends with a live burial. What's not to love?
Based on my T4 for last year I made enough at my retail job to qualify as a prince. That seems high, but I'm not about to complain about being a prince.
Pearl deserved to stay, but then so did Trixie. That Kandy Ho wasn't in the bottom and sent home is baffling to me.
I don't think so.
Flex Mentallo has nothing to with Doom Patrol, but don't worry because it is amazing.
According to Dan Slott there have never been any non-exclusive writers at the retreat for as long as he's been exclusive. I know Bleeding Cool said otherwise, but BC makes shit up on a regular basis, so I'm no inclined to believe them on this.
I think so, yeah.
Marvel's writers' retreat is only for those with exclusivity contracts, so the real problem isn't that the writers' retreat isn't bringing woman creators along, it's that they've never signed a woman as an exclusive.
I would go back and tell myself to order the version of Mother 3 that came with the sepcial limited edition Mother 3 GameBoy Micro and the Courage Badge. And I'd go back and make sure I bought a copy of EarthBound.
Nope, RPM, always RPM
I think this might be the worst episode of Archer to shame. Like, Archer Vice had it's drag moments, but it still had excellent dialogue and jokes. This did not.
I just had to laugh when she got hit with that second vertigo dart so she could beat the hallucinations. It was just too ridiculous.
Buying a Wii early in its life cycle had advantages though, in that the older models are really easy to hack and mod. I have every NES game on mine, and it's great.
Craig telling off April was probably the best moment of this season for me, but I've found April's storyline this season to be just super whiny and intolerable.
Maybe Merlyn drugged Ollie into thinking that fighting RAG was his best course of action.
Star Trek 13
This has been my dream casting for the role ever since the show was announced.