Pipper Digs

No, she was there. They even showed her saying something about not wanting to give in on what she wanted. (Shocking, Aubrey.)

I was hoping for that too, but then again I think Arsenio and especially Aubrey just sensed that a true ball-busting wasn't even necessary when it came to Teresa's ineptitude and worth. She was done from the second she took the PM position, thank god.

SO not alone in that! That drove me crazy, especially since she's also gone on more than once in the boardroom about being a strong woman (in what I think is persona #6, Feminist!Aubrey), but also also played demure and intimidated I'mJustAGirlHelpMe!Aubrey to Arsenio's big, loud man who's mean to her (her

I agree, and may I add that at this point I'm starting to feel exactly the same about the word "creative."

I was bugged by the exec's criticism of Forte playing it too safe or not using enough brand messaging; yeah, they didn't do modern, but I thought they delivered really well based on what they were given. First, look at your damn mascot. Second, going nostalgic - to me - draws on the subconscious ties people have to

My pleasure! For names, just use the at symbol and start typing your chosen name (no space between); a drop-down menu should apear and you choose which user you're tagging. For italics, it'd be this:

NO TAKEAWAYS, YOU GUYS. C'mon. We all know that if there are no tiny pamphlets* at a display for you to take home and read obsessively you'll never sell anything, ever. They absolutely never just end up cluttering up your purse/wadded in your pocket when some perky salesclerk forces one on you. They're essential.

Don't worry, neither can she. That's why the transition between them is a little slow/jarring sometimes.

@avclub-130f14e3e5c0263f013b56d8c212f26a:disqus , I thought she was planning on using Eric in a picture with his silhouette looking out at the buildings that she'd then use in a similar way that Forte used their photo, but then when I saw what she actually did, I thought, 'Why is that creepy person half buried off to

I picked up on that note of regret too, @avclub-383d3906a81567a4790639391dc4ecd7:disqus , and I was wondering if I was alone in seeing too much in it.

I agree; I thought the tagline made sense for the Trump brand, and had he given his explanation about how all successful people firmly believe they've earned their success (and thus that the cologne was something they "deserved") in the boardroom, it might've helped…? Maybe?

Bubbles, Bubbles, Bubbles. Not the rest of you, just the Celebrity Apprentice cast.

Okay, lemme try this again (Disqus ate my comment? Maybe?). Me too, @avclub-e0d88e2e3f2cedb469ceda2f11315b22:disqus , and it really makes me happy to read what you wrote, as I've taken a fair share of ribbing when I've shared how much Jim Henson meant to me, and how his death affected me.

Penn might be the most overqualified person ever on Celebrity Apprentice.

Me too. I can't even tell you how happy I was to read you saying that and not mocking me endlessly. (Seriously, the merciless ribbing I took from a few friends upon sharing how much Henson's life and death touched me still makes me cringe.) He was just amazing, and furthermore surrounded himself with equally amazing

(Ugh, sorry. Fucked up the reply thing. Blame it on 3:30 am.)

I didn't realize that was the last appearance (I just thought it was one of them); I actually just watched that not long ago! Love it.

I just have to say I love your user name.

As a die-hard Muppet fanatic and someone who dreamt for far too long of working as a Muppeteer (especially as a chick with cerebral palsy…I blame growing up in the U.S. of A., where any child can grow up to do anything they want so long as they try…hundred ten percent!), I cannot put into words how much it enraged me

I can't really argue with anything you've posited. That's exactly how I'd call it too.