The Red Curtain

And a physical release on PS4 so you don’t have to roll the dice with Limited Run Games.

But will the electoral college be briefed on Russia's pop secret?

I'm so passionate about this that I'm only going to officially release through a ridiculously convoluted method that requires up to a $300 investment.

Does the Grimace die at the end?

Jack in the Box Rises

There's literally dozens of us.

We're Earthlings, let's blow up Earth things!

Jesus Funky Christ that Transformers trailer is terrible. A woman’s face as the lyric “the most beautiful face” is sung. Optimus Prime literally floating in outer space during the line “floating in space.” It has all the subtlety of a Transformers movie.

Now I need FFXV to come out on PC so it can be modded to where whenever you fight a cactaur the audio from Bender saying 'Cheese it!' will play.

Proper tidy you big baby bunting.

OK Stupid.
Christian Ming-Heil

I stole this comment form a commenter at the AVC but it’s too great not to share:

And he tipped his hat!

That was the third season of the actual Sons of Anarchy.

I agree about the HUD. I wish you could choose elements of it to keep. I don't want the constant objective marker out there but I would like to see my party's health.

Cool story time. Until the last few months I really thought the actual lyric was "I apologize and tributize" which I always thought was a cool made up word. Apparently I'm not the only one as I just found an Urban Dictionary post for 'tributize' based off of this song.

I too just picked up Syndicate for $8. Just as last year I got Unity for $9. I expect this year’s remaster to be $10 by next chrstms. This is how I buy Assassin’s Creed games now.

The CIA's secret weapon is time.

World class trolling.

Said no one, ever.