
Can't say I blame her :]

Great point! Maybe he created the creatures to spite the rest of the world and prove them all wrong. Creating the Abbies would give him the opportunity to be a "savior." He definitely has a God complex. By the way, love your name! :)

I waited many episodes for that slap. So satisfying!

She sounds awesome!!

Genius!! Never thought of it that way before!

Agreed! He's a great actor and one of my favorite characters :).


Jumper Cable of Doom is such a great way to describe it!


I was really mad at Noah after Tyreese died but that was straight messed up. I still liked Noah and he certainly didn't deserve to die that way. I didn't want him to die period. I agree that the gore was way over the top. I had to look away. But from what I did see, Steven Yeun's performance was just

I thought the bonding between Daryl and Aaron was surprisingly sweet and I'm glad they have started a friendship. As for the Carol scene I thought that was badass!! Only Scarol could pull that off.

That sounds like a badass rest of the season to me!!

I liked Cupid. I thought she was over-the-top and ridiculous but in a good way; it's what I would expect from a comic character obsessed with the Arrow.