Darth Weevil

@Kumagoro:disqus —I was guessing that the crossbow and locks were all a front to distract attention from her.

Well, if you had previously been told that Regina keeps a bunch of human hearts in a crypt on the edge of town, maybe finding a human heart in a creepy box would make you think of that…

Plus, see who else he called…

To my knowledge, Alan Moore started the lycanthropy=menstruation thing with an issue of Swamp Thing back in the 80s.

Yeah, it felt like a sudden end, so I'm going with "actress got a regular gig elsewhere," especially since Anna Camp's already been in a number of high profile gigs.

What I found most irritating about it was that she had fought so hard for the job in the first place, using family connections to take it away from someone else, then just decided to blow it all off.  At least acknowledge that you screwed over your poor classmate…

I joked that if Alicia decided to buy the house back, she should use everything she knew was wrong with it in the negotiations.  Like, "not only is the door knob loose, but the furnace has needed to be replaced since 1992!"

Exactly.  If Peter were the Democratic nominee for governor, he might have a shot in hell of getting the keynote (but probably wouldn't).  Of course, the problem there is that Illinois is on an off-set schedule, so gubernatorial elections coincide with mid-terms rather than presidential elections. As it is, he would

@avclub-50cdf52b4612bd5b419e775ddfc08314:disqus Spitzer is the only one from that list with any hope of a comeback.  Even then, no, he would not be on the short list for the convention keynote.

Plus, when work is your life, taking away work is a huge deal.  At my old law firm, some of the partners would really have enjoyed 6 months off; some would have come crawling back to the office for something to do within about twenty minutes.  There's a reason a lot of older attorneys don't want to retire and why some

Maybe I just remembered seeing her on Studio 60.

Have we not seen at least the one (younger) sister before?  I thought she seemed really familiar, as if she'd appeared in a prior episode a season or two ago.

Plus, the DVD isn't out yet; I suspect it might do better there.

@avclub-0da7b2945e9148fed0a61ba72bfb017e:disqus It depends on (a) what the corporate structure for the Luncheonette was (their partnership/LLP/LLC agreement might have forbidden sale of their respective interests without unanimous consent, so Adam might not have been able to just sell his half without Crosby agreeing

This gets me thinking about internet advertising…  In reality, I'm much more likely to sit and watch the stupid ads that pop up when I'm streaming something, if only because there is no way to skip them and they are only there for 30 seconds or so.  But, if there's a commercial break on TV, I leave the room, switch to

They don't usually mention condoms on network TV, so that might have been a part of it.  I almost wondered if the conspicuous socks were meant as a visual metaphor for protection.

Man was that guy lamesauce.

I joked that they would get back to discover that Adam had, indeed, sold the Luncheonette.

During that scene, my wife turned to me and said, "He's missing the sock gap!"

I didn't get the reference, but damn did that game look dated.  When Emma said she used to play it, it made me think Regina just found an old game at Goodwill and gave it to Henry to get him to shut up, hoping that none of the kids in Storybrook had ever seen PSPs.