Darth Weevil

When my (now) wife and I asked my dad for his list of people to invite to our wedding, one of them was "Robert Paulson." We looked at each other and basically simultaneously started chanting "His name was Robert Paulson."

Have you ever had one of those days when something just seems to be trying to tell you somebody?

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Mixing Quirk and Lovecraft, I'm going to say Ramona is a Manic Pixie Dream MacGuffin.

I definitely agree the problems were there in the books. Ramona is almost a non-character. She's literally just the "hot" "interesting" girl that the audience is supposed to be interested in. There's no there there, so there is no reason why the reader would feel anything to like in the central love story. Hell,

My wife is in the Society for Creative Anachronism, which, in case you aren't familiar with it, is a group of medieval recreationists. A few times a year she goes to a one or two day thing where everyone dresses up in period costumes and does something vaguely medieval - fighting, but also cooking, dancing, sewing,

@miles - it's because you haven't sacrified your friends in the tunnels underneath the university campus. Try that and see if magical powers develop.

@miles - It might actually matter one way or the other. If people with Aspergers or similar disorders were able to alleviate some of their issues, it might be a good tool to use in treatment. Not the only tool, but one of many that can be used as the case warrants. Instead, society treats RPGs as something only

No, no - it will be reported that Dr. McRapey is dead, but he'll have switched places with some other guy who died, and will be living that guy's life out in Fresno.

Wikipedia tells me that Gamera wasn't released in the US until December 1966. So is this an anachronism or did was it not actually Gamera that they saw?

Worst episode of the X-Files?
That would have to be "Space." Just plain awful.

I definitely watched Moonlighting and was probably at or just under 10. I don't feel like looking up what years it was on and doing the math. I seem to think that it was on when I was in third or fourth grade, though, so that seems about right.

Yeah, I think that's why people are suggesting it's going to be a clip show.

Not that I would actually want to read it now, other than maybe the Gaiman and Dave Sim-written issues.

In all fairness, at least Spawn wasn't an obvious ripoff like 95% of the rest of original Image lineup. Yeah, it still started to suck pretty quickly (or, at least I assume it did, since I stopped buying at like issue 13), but it was way ahead of Youngblood, etc.

That's about right, El Santo. I think McFarlane had about 10 or so pretty decent issues in him, then there were like four guest writers in a row, then there was a major drop in quality.

Nevermind. I'm only half right. McFarlane does have a claim to some of the Marvelman IP rights (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wik…, but the part about Gaiman using anything he gets out of this litigation to further the Marvelman litigation and the part about the Image shop runners being douches were both correct.

The Spawn litigation isn't really connected to Marvelman/Miracleman, except tangentially. Basically, Gaiman said he was going to use whatever he wins from McFarlane to help sort out the Marvelman/Miracleman rights issues, which have prevented the series from being reprinted (or continued, for
