Darth Weevil

@Ah But - Not really. It was part of the Holy Roman Empire, but was never part of what we would consider "Germany" in any real sense (since Germany was not really united until the mid-19th Century). It's citizens might have been considered "German," but so were Austrians.

I also thought this episode sort of meandered without much of a point or a conclusion. When the credits popped up on the screen, I said something along the lines of "oh, apparently the episode's over." It just seemed kind of sudden. Which I guess it always does, given the format.

Totally agree finding Mulder's sister should have been the finale (or pretty damn close to it), but was completely unhappy with the ultimate resolution of that thread. It was most ridiculous shoot the shaggy dog story I've ever seen. Poor guy spends his whole damn life looking for his sister, only to find out she's

Oh dear god did I get irritated with the "Is the CSM Mulder's real father?" back and forth. At the beginning, it was an interesting theory (though it smacked of laziness); by the end, you just wanted them to decide already, since Christ Carter seemed to change his mind a half dozen times.

And there you've hit a nail on the head - the mythology episodes start out so strong, but it becomes obvious way too quickly that Carter is just making it all up as he goes along, so that they become hopelessly convoluted and inconsistent. I don't necessarily think you have to work out the answers to everything

Especially since that's what they did to whatshisname (Kurzweil?) in Fight the Future. Plenty of ways to get Mulder out of the way without actually killing him or making him a martyr or whatnot. Which really does suggest that the real reason they're not killing him is that, brutal motherfuckers that they are, they

@kjohnson - so, would Adventures in Babysitting and DTMTBSD be the archetypal movies of the two decades?

Also, want to say a dinosaur triumphed over him in Jurassic Park, but it's been a while and I don't really feel like looking it up.

Thought I would point out this language from the interview, which made me think especially of the X-Files:

Oh, and agree with whomever above that I definitely looked forward to watching Angel than Buffy more during Seasons 6/3 and 7/4. Maybe they're not as good as the height of Buffy, but they were definitely more compelling than Buffy at the same time.

I'm way late to the party, but feel obliged to comment anyway… Oh, and some spoilers follow…

Don't worry, the show will be cancelled long before they would have gotten to the ending, anyway.

Yeah, this movie was pretty bad, but "you can have it on TV while doing something else bad," not "turn this shit off as soon as possible" bad. There are a few chuckles here and there, but it's best to only look up and pay attention every once in a while.

@LordFlasheart - I think this show could really work if every year brings with a slight change in the cast. Like a couple of seniors graduate, a couple of freshmen come on. As long as they establish that early on, it should work. And they can sort of play with it a little to keep some of the popular kids around -

Whether or not they were based on personality types, the personality test people have definitely started using them in disturbing ways. When I started the job before this one (with about 50 other people), our training included (for no apparent reason) us taking personality tests which some random guy then explained

It's like the writers took all those S&TC personality tests to heart…
and just started writing the characters as if they were the stereotypes others claimed they were. Nevermind all the complexity in the characters introduced over 6 seasons and god knows how many years (this is HBO we're talking about and I don't

@ Mythagoras - having lived in both Chicago and New York, let me assure you that it is practically impossible to survive in New York on an actor's salary unless you have a continuing gig in an 0n-Broadway show. I had a friend who had a pretty good behind-the-scenes gig at a New York theater company quit and move back

Well, that example aside, it's really hard to judge something fairly in translation. I tend to agree that the original is probably just as flat and uninspiring, but we could be looking at an awful translator.

The New Law & Order
In addition to actually being pretty solid, this show is also serving as the new Law & Order. That is, it's the show shot in New York that due to its structure (legal show with a new case every week) requires a bunch of actors to play non-recurring bit parts.

Also, someday Kalinda is going to get them all disbarred. Like when she handed over evidence about their client to the police.