Darth Weevil


Yeah, I don't have the Riley love.

Dr. Teeth - I think a lot of people like Wesley precisely because he is a complex, deeply flawed character. I'm not sure I would like Wesley if I met him in real life, but his character makes for some great television.

Clearly I need to learn how to hit refresh.

I didn't get irritated by the frequency of dreams, since it was a listed slayer power, so it made sense we would get some dream sequences here and there. And they usually handled them pretty well.

@ Spicoli - I assume it was sometime after she moved to LA and before she met up with Angel. Like, she probably met some asshole who told her he was a producer, blah blah blah, and then dumped her the next day.

Hush is definitely one of the best eps they ever did - it's all completely there. The Willow/Tara moment is just fantastic, even if you ignore what comes later and just view it as a moment of empowerment because these two people were able to find each other and share their powers to do something neither could do

I haven't watched them for quite a while, but I remember the first few Wesley eps making me kinda groan and really wish they could bring Doyle back. But he stopped being a cardboard cutout character pretty quickly (certainly by the beginning of season 2) and then he just becomes awesome. Not much I can add other than

I have one or two dualdiscs. I also have a bunch of SACD hybrid discs. Of course, that was before my old sound system crapped out, so I could actually appreciate the difference.

Hmm, I had that one, but have no memory at all as to what was on the Enhanced portion of it.

I see different roles for albums, single songs, and EPs. There are a lot of albums I really love, but a lot of pop music is really just better suited for singles and forcing it all together into an album doesn't really help anyone. But I have really been digging on the EP lately - limiting it to just a few great

The Enhanced CD thing was kinda cool in theory, but didn't really work well in practice because of the way that people listened to/used CDs. You might be able to watch a music video if you were at your computer (in very low resolution), but you couldn't play the music video on your TV. Lyrics might have been on the

@pork n beans - beat me to it. I was totally going to say that was a pie, not a souffle. Hell, I probably would have accepted "pudding" as a descriptor…

Yeah, I always felt the lack of Mrs. Rosenberg was kinda a cop out, esp. after Gingerbread.

Yeah, I too never felt the love for Pangs, though I didn't think it was the worst of the show by far - just kinda felt it is somewhere in the vast middle of episodes I would be entertained by if I watched them again, but don't particularly remember otherwise.

This has been sitting on my DVR since it first aired (I was dead at the time). Reading this makes me want to go home and press the play button.

My favorite high school video memory is watching a highly edited version of North & South in American History. For whatever reason, our teacher wanted to show it to us, but could only allocate two or three days (the whole thing is like 561 minutes, IMDB tells me), so he personally edited it down to 100 or 150 minutes

@nintendo historian - the big issues with older shows are (a) music rights issues, which have held back many a show and/or resulted in bastardized DVD sets with all sorts of music changes and (b) a worry that the show won't sell well because people don't really remember it that much. (b) is made worse by the fact

@ nintendo historian - I would agree, except there is still a lot of stuff not available, esp. older shows. I know it's generally easier to release newer stuff (all the rights are in order, fresh in people's minds, etc.), but it's kinda sad that this is being released instead of classic shows someone might actually

We watched the Zefferelli R&J in my ninth grade English class. Our teacher (whose name escapes me because I think she changed it twice while I was there) warned us about the nudity and said not to act up, etc., but I don't think we had to get notes from home or anything. Which kinda surprises me, considering the