Darth Weevil

I like that he looked like a werewolf.

My wild guess (only slightly influenced by the British original) is that the Aries Project will eventually be revealed as a Soviet plan to put brainwashed plants into important government positions, etc. (Sam might be the first test subject). I haven't worked out (in my theory) whether Sam is a Soviet agent whose

…and small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri were real small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri.

Geox - it's "another layer of ironing". Geez, get it right.

@ Dat Ninja -

Yeah, how come the rest of us don't get cookies?

Also looks like Tasha interviewed Breathed back in 2001:

The anticipation was kinda cool, but the movie just blew from the first frame. I went with a group of friends to see it and we were all totally traumatized, a la the Indiana Jones ep. of South Park.

Oh yes - much, much better. It explains perfectly my disdain for the prequel trilogy.

Yeah, who the hell gave them $20 mil for this? I'd be shocked if it makes more than $15 mil at the box office.

Yeah, I can almost see this plot working in theory, but it sounds like this movie just failed. To work, it would have to (a) cut out the lame cancer plot, (b) make the movie about all the silly (and actually funny) obstacles they have to face on the way to see the movie, a la Harold & Kumar, and (c) end it with

Review read more like a double D.

Except it would presumably be a movie about zombies that were not trying to hunt you down and eat your brains. That doesn't sound that exciting, either.

@ Thatches - I suddenly want to see a stop-motion version of Dark Dungeons.

@ urtext - So what you're saying is that God is basically just like Mark Fuhrman?

He's the kind of man who wipes his ass with a rabid badger.

Yeah, I've not seen newscasts from Red Deer. But I know that newscasts will often show weird regional (in the broader sense) stories if they are sort of marque events. And the way it was described as an "August 1st tradition" made it sound like the sort of thing you might send a reporter out for. I mean, it's only

@Verbalgerbil - that's what I was thinking, that the British are trying to eradicate the gray squirrels that are out-squirreling their native red squirrels.

MC Pee Pants?

Thir13en Ghosts… Isn't that the one where Scooby accidentally lets all the ghosts out of the box and has to go hunt them down with Vincent Price?