Darth Weevil

Or a fishbot?

I also object to the phrase "sublime revelations". Okay, I accept that everyone has their own taste and shit, but the "psycho stalker ex-boyfriend" theme did not suddenly appear in this episode. It was very present in Innocence.

I don't think the phrase "A-story"…
can be used in reference to "Killed by Death."

I'm pretty sure that was supposed to be "Revenge ON the Fans." The prequels truly blew. The image of the camera panning back while Vader screamed "NOOOOO!" is probably the lamest, most hackneed bit of writing/directing I've seen since Manos the Hands of Fate.

I think the tragedy of the X-Files is that Chris Carter really was making things up as he went along. Like, maybe he had an idea of where things were going, but if something he liked better happened to pop into his head, the direction changed (I know I've complained before about the plotline with Mulder's sister

Apparently I have to learn to hit refresh.

Thumbs up
on the new rating system. I think I would have chosen different terms (ugly sounds a little too harsh to me), but once they are explained, it works pretty well.

I think the light had to be brighter. The light inside the car also wasn't bright enough.

Also, while the show is technically about Angel, it is the other characters that keep you coming back (at least after season 1). Which is pretty much true with Buffy, also.

It's funny - talking about Angel villains made me realize that Angel really does not follow season arcs like Buffy does. There is a mini-arc for the first half of Angel season 1 (until you-know-who you-know-whats and is replaced by a certain rogue demon hunter), but once the continuity gets going post-Pylea, it never

Seasons 1 of Angel is fairly weak - like Buffy S. 1, still getting its feel of things. Season 2 is better. By seasons 3 and 4, though (up against Buffy seasons 6 and 7), Angel fucking rocked. I was much more involved in Angel at that point in time than in Buffy. And when an Angel ep. was preempted fifteen minutes

Witches have cool ass powers, but are easily overcome physically. If something gets through to them, they are toast.

Interesting - had never caught that. Joss does tend to reuse actors, though, so it's not surprising.

The Dr Horrible death was painful. I so thought that scene was going to go a different way…

Haven't seen the ep. for ages, so don't remember what Cain looked like - who did he play on Angel?

I Only Have Eyes for You is the bee's knees. When I try to think of great Buffy eps, it usually doesn't come to mind, but whenever someone mentions it, I always think, "now that was a great episode."

I would concur on the "take a little time off between seasons 2 and 3" theory. Otherwise, you're like "Where did Buffy go? Oh, there she is!"

In defense of Criterion, a lot of their movies are expensive because they have very low sell-through rates. The cost (to Criterion) of putting out one of these is pretty much the same (if not higher because of the clean up of the original negatives, producing the special features years after the fact, etc.) than the

But now we'll never know what happens with Palek and what's-her-name. And we won't be able to watch Jonesy from Carnivale watching his TiVo.

I seem to remember BHR: The Novel being one of those books that starts slow, speeds up, slows down again, and then really pulls you in toward the end. So, I can definitely understand people not finishing it.