My grandparents used to own a car wash that my dad managed for them. I don't think any of the guys there (even the ones who'd worked there for years) would have been qualified to handle a manager position. Obviously this isn't true for every car wash but it wouldn't surprise me if there wasn't anyone in house John…
For me, if I had to boil Switched at Birth down to one word, it would be identity. Through this crazy concept of two girls switched at birth, the show is able to explore issues in ways that other shows can't. Deaf/hearing, nature/nurture, class differences, ethnicity, etc. Just exploring the way our circumstances…
I had the opposite reaction on the Kathryn/Nikki feud. But that may be because I was under the impression that Kathryn was only planning the rehearsal dinner (I think the discussion just got off course when they started talking wedding pics and dresses). Traditionally the grooms family is supposed to plan the…
Yes she ate a frog. But it wasn't the Lois Lane character. It was her frog clone. The "Clark and Lois get married" arc got more than a little crazy.
Nope I completely agree with the D. It was awful. While I agree that Lana Perilla is awesome, she's just given the same old crap episode after episode. What happened to Regina's redemption arc, which was interesting? At this point, Regina is just insane and there's no hope for her. I'll probably finish this season but…
You said it perfectly. This is exactly what I was thinking. I thought the ending was pretty great myself.
"I’d kill to read a draft of your “broken marriage is healed in the face of the zombie apocalypse” novel"
The more I think about this engagement, the more confused I get. When is Nikki leaving for Peru? Are they getting married before she leaves? If yes, what is Toby planning to do when she leaves? Sit around their apartment waiting for her to get back? And what exactly is the point? Besides making a first year of…
I agree. I know John rubs a lot of people the wrong way but I've always had a soft spot for him (he reminds me of some of the men in my family). He's really grown during the course of the series and it was great to see him in a self-doubting moment.
They should require the hearing students to at least take an ASL class. It's not as good as requiring them to use ASL throughout the school, but the hearing kids would then be exposed to ASL. And I think some of them would make some effort to use what they learned.
I'll be very interested to see where the Carlton story goes in the future. Whats sad is that this is a real life issue. I do love the tension this brings to Daphne and Bay's relationship. They're becoming more and more like sisters and any storyline that brings them together has my approval.
I loved this episode. This might be a "Captain Obvious" type comment but what struck me was how much more "work" I had to put into watching tonight. Don't get me wrong, I was engrossed in the story. However when you're constantly struggling to try to read captions and watch the actors at the same time, it is a…
"So should I call you Grandpa?" "Call me whatever you want." Rumple's purely dismissive tone of voice toward Henry made me laugh and laugh and laugh.
I've officially joined the I Hate Henry train. You can see Regina's influence. He's such a manipulative little brat. "Hey Dad! I'm so glad to meet you! You're my new favorite parent. Now I can make BOTH my moms fight for my love by giving me whatever I want!" His "I forgive my mom for making the best decision she…
I like the way they've handle Nikki also. It seems that TV rarely handles pro-religion people well without having them go into either bigoted territory or bashing people over the head with their beliefs. I like that Nikki stands up for what she believes in and has no problem talking about it, but she's not trying to…
It was a little bit of a pot/kettle situation with the women so mad at John (with good reason) but nobody even thinking about talking to Daphne about the situation. That's going to blow up in their face. And that's a good question about title. I'd be curious to know the answer to that.
Gotcha. And I can understand why Daphne feels that way. Also, I'm not sure Daphne is completely used to the way Katherine parents, which is almost polar opposite from Regina. Both are good parenting styles but they are very, very different.
That's been true for this season but I think Bay had more parenting during season one, especially during her street art phase. She's had her moments where she was butting heads with all her parents while Daphne flew under the radar.
I think it's interesting that you think Katherine's "check in more" request was because Daphne is deaf. Daphne obviously feels the same. But how do we know that Katherine wouldn't have reacted the same way if one of her other children had been attacked? My dad is over protective and he's usually good at controlling…