A German Yid in Germany

If a critic's poorly focused smugness equalled insight PDN would be Erich Auerbach. (This week's review was actually okay but I kinda had to.)

At least you're acknowledging the production.

"Acid Rap", Chance the Rapper. That is all.

(blushes, looks down, then in a breathy voice): Can you…teach me how?

Like you read "Hard Times" by Studs Terkel, for example, or any other oral history, an important genre of historical studies consistings of transcribed interviews.

You know, I don't want to be an asshole, but I really hope I won't say that when I'm 35.

@avclub-884c4beddd8c98bb3b016bdfcc1bcdf8:disqus Sorry, that comment wasn't aimed at you but Dwide Schrude, with whom I've had this exact same conversation on here before when he argued that the word "compare" doesn't really mean "compare".

Nobody is persecuting you for liking Morrissey. You can love his music, fine, but he's not your personal saviour so stop making excuses. The things he said about China *were* racist, the things he said about Oslo *were* downplaying the tragedy. It's perfectly fine to admit these things.

"Stories about real people, living real lives, no matter how laughably
earnest they might seem, are necessary for the lifeblood of any medium."
But that description fits "Treme" really well, I think, and even huge parts of "The Wire" and "The Sopranos".

That's the ideal Aryan breeding age.

No, and I sort of resent the implication?

(I know that's lame by the way but tradition is tradition.)

Sharknado 2: Electric Boogaloo

Gavin McInnes, who only recently found out that Pinochet wasn't a great man.

Hating humanity is so boring.

He suffered a massive stroke in 2004 and has been living in the MPTF home ever since, I think. I totally didn't recognize him but it's nice that one of his last roles is something so quietly memorable.

The boutique label aspect stinks indeed but I hear that the "The Big Heat" blu-ray Twilight Time put out was great. And are they really just using ready-made transfers with no work of their own?

Are there good movies about suitcase pimps? Does "Star 80" count?

"He who strikes against one idiot strikes against idiocy entire."

And I am sorta grateful for that. Not that I *like* it here.