A German Yid in Germany

I read those things in "Drehort Heimat", his work journal, I think. He's pretty open about it too. That he was inspired to make "Heimat" because he didn't like "Holocaust" is well-known, I think. Not that "Holocaust" isn't garbage but his insistence on "taking back" German history is troubling, to say the least. Give

Man, I hate "Heimat" so much. After reading some of Reitz's comments - like that there weren't any Jews living in the German countryside, or that people who emigrated were traitors, or that the Jews fit in so well with American culture because they don't produce anything and are after just commercial success - I find

Maybe someone could read an old issue of "Word Up!" in the first scene of the new season. I'd laugh.

I've been listening to old episodes of "Never Not Funny" lately, and in episode 602 Paul F. Tompkins does a mean Bob Dylan. Now all I want is for Dylan to be among his regular characters.

Her book was controversial because she came to her conclusions after missing a lot of the evidence that proved that Eichmann in fact did hate the Jews, and also because her assessment of the Judenräte was maybe harsher than warranted.
Somebody once said that the "Banality of Evil" is basicall a correct insight, and

What's Kim Larsen's opinion on Scott Ian?

John Thompson will have it shut down soon.

It's this whole "I bet you hate her. I bet you, the audience, find people like her disgusting. Don't deny it, you do" vibe, and then the "But I, I see the beauty in her struggle" clunker of a punchline

What's that song about the disabled girl? That I hate. I'm loath to call anything "holier than thou" but that final verse is just the worst.

Thanks, I'll listen then. Not that I expected them to make jokes about his death or anything. Also, get back to listening to The History of Rome! (That was you, right?)

Fear of a Phil Hartman funk has kept me from listening to the episode. Is it bad?

Was I doing that? I just find this combined stance of "Free speech is important!" and "Words don't mean anything!" curious. And obviously there are people who will say "Don't say anything about xyz". But it's not a choice between that and "No Means Yes Means Funny". There is also the position that you can say what you

Maybe, but his definition of free speech is pretty dubious. Once you compare the backlash against Daniel Tosh to the Tea Party and the Romney campaign you're in pretty murky waters.

Let's not forget sucking up to Jim Goad. "Please don't accuse me of not being against Black people!"

I love "Walking the Room" but I don't wanna hear Dave talk about rape jokes or "the obligations of a comedian" ever again. Same with Patton.

I love her in Godfather Part III. It's not acting what she does, obviously, but it really works. It's just presence. In its own V-effect kind of way it's the best thing in the movie.

Maybe the greatest mustache in all of cinema, because it is so unexpected.