A German Yid in Germany

Hey, that's not nice! What ever happened to the AV Club's famed cautious optimism?

Hey, that's not nice! What ever happened to the AV Club's famed cautious optimism?

It's good. On the other hand, I know who GK and MZS are, so I'm in the target demo.
I've often thought that someone should get Lem Dobbs to host a WTF-like podcast. He'd be great at it.

It's good. On the other hand, I know who GK and MZS are, so I'm in the target demo.
I've often thought that someone should get Lem Dobbs to host a WTF-like podcast. He'd be great at it.

Not hating or anything, but I don't get the amount of praise. I love Prince and D'Angelo and Stevie and post-Woodstock Sly Stone beyond all measure - those are probably four of my ten favourite artists ever. And I've listened to Frank Ocean and this album and his earlier mixtape and there is just something that's

Not hating or anything, but I don't get the amount of praise. I love Prince and D'Angelo and Stevie and post-Woodstock Sly Stone beyond all measure - those are probably four of my ten favourite artists ever. And I've listened to Frank Ocean and this album and his earlier mixtape and there is just something that's

I want to go up in a helicopter and then drop a penny! Maybe it will go through "Rowdy" Roddy Piper's skull.

I want to go up in a helicopter and then drop a penny! Maybe it will go through "Rowdy" Roddy Piper's skull.

You realize that's what amuse-bouche means, right? Filthy rats' ass?

You realize that's what amuse-bouche means, right? Filthy rats' ass?

Except that when you kill yourself, you're dead, so you can't be offended, so who cares. Also, where was the empathy in Tosh's joke, and the truth? There was none. It was pure hostility.
Also, you can't just come up with a tired food-metaphor and then declare yourself being in the right based on that same metaphor.

Except that when you kill yourself, you're dead, so you can't be offended, so who cares. Also, where was the empathy in Tosh's joke, and the truth? There was none. It was pure hostility.
Also, you can't just come up with a tired food-metaphor and then declare yourself being in the right based on that same metaphor.

"there are many awful things in life and we must be able to joke about them to take the sting out"

"there are many awful things in life and we must be able to joke about them to take the sting out"

"The Science of Sleep" might be the only movie I actively hate.

He's not even a real hamster, is he.


I thought we prefer the spelling "Heeb" (sayeth the commentor with an anti-semitic slur right in his handle.)

Tell me why, please.

I think he's got a point about the "They don't know what we're building" aspect. I got really sad and angry when people were all "Rubicon is horrible - so slow and boring and nothing pays off". Same with "Treme".