lucy pevensie

If you can't understand the difference between the music that Swift creates and the music that, say, Miley Cryus or Demi Lovato creates, then any answer is probably going to be lost on you.

Well, if she dies, then she obviously can't maintain her humanity, no?


I've noticed a LOT of reviews (from movie reviewers who obviously have not read the books) saying that a big flaw in this series is the way it treats good and evil as black-and-white, that there's no moral complexity. And while that's true to an extent of the first two books in the series, at this point I have to

I think the final book is the worst not because of the plot, but because the writing in it was really sloppy. I think it should—or at least could—translate to movies just fine, especially if they clarify some parts that were murky in the book.

Yeah, I think Mockingjay explores some really, really great ideas but the writing in it was so bad that most of them were lost to the audience. When I finished it, I was pretty what-the-hell about it just like everybody else, but as I thought more and read more about it, I could see what Collins was trying to do and



I thought this one had the potential to be good as two different movies, if anything could. The two halves of the third book take place in different places, they have different story arcs/goals, there are at least a couple places that would make for a natural split. When I was reading it, I actually thought that she

And none of those "ways of obtaining physical evidence" do jack shit in an acquaintance rape case. DNA testing shows evidence of his semen? "Yes, your honor, we had consensual sex." Rape kit shows evidence of vaginal abrasions/contusions consistent with an assault? "Your honor, she told me she liked it rough." Date

Yeah, I don't really think Bragg understands Swift's position—it's certainly not against streaming companies with a tiered structure. She offered Spotify the ability to keep her music on their premium side if they removed it from the free side, and they said no.

Apparently the innocent-until-proven-guilty-ists lack the critical thinking skills to understand that—unless the rapist is dumb enough to make a written confession or take a video of the rape or something—acquaintance rapes inevitably lack the evidence to meet the burden of proof of a criminal case, and guys with

I'm impressed that there's still anybody out there who thinks that any multi-bajillion-dollar corporation's decision isn't based solely on how it's going to affect their bottom line. Of course that's why they're doing it. Who would ever argue otherwise?

If your argument is for neutrality, then perhaps you should use a different argument than "innocent until proven guilty." "We should treat the accused as innocent until he's proven guilty" is not a statement of neutrality; it's taking the side of the accused until a verdict is handed down. Rape accusations are a

Taylor Swift doesn't need to worry about exposure. If anything, she's at the level where she needs to worry about overexposure.

No, you didn't say that. But you have to realize that when you argue that, in the court of public opinion, we should consider accused rapists "innocent until proven guilty," that's what you're arguing.

It's creeping southward! I live in Wisconsin, and poutine became a pretty big food trend here a couple years back. I'd guess there are five or so restaurants in this city that offer it. Maybe in fifty years it'll hit Texas.

Again, the only woman whose rape occurred recently enough to sue Cosby already received money in 2006. The rest of these women date their rapes back far enough that the statute of limitations has expired and they can't sue him. If they were making things up, they'd be saying that he raped them in 2008, not 1982.

Side note: Freeman eventually commented that there was no truth to those rumors and he had ignored them for so long because he thought they were so absurd that nobody would believe them. He only finally discredited them when he realized he was apparently giving people too much credit. So . . . feel free to enjoy his

None of them are still within the statute of limitations for a criminal case. The only one that was still eligible for a civil case sued him in 2005.