lucy pevensie

Romeo and Juliet, too. They meet cute, there's family disapproval and misunderstandings and other common comedic plot devices, it looks like it's all going to end in a happy reunion—and then it doesn't. Of course, the audience knows from the beginning that it's not going to work out, but Shakespeare was purposely

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Nah, I think he's a generally good guy. But that's why the comment to this dude rubbed me the wrong way—it was so contrary to the spirit of who he usually is. John occasionally says or does dumb stuff, but I can usually tell where he's coming from and see that his heart is in the right place. But I don't see how his

You can't really call it a "faux pas" like he did it by accident or something.

Hank, at least, has had a pretty thoughtful and engaged response to the sexual assault/harassment allegations in the community—he started a task force designed to investigate claims of sexual abuse within it, and has done a bunch of blog posts about it.

The conflict is how Katniss survives in this brutal and horrifying world without compromising her morals. It's not a book about big political drama and taking down the enemy, despite that being the obvious assumption at first glance. It's mostly a series about man-versus-self conflict and how war affects indviduals.


Just make sure you really like rape! This is the rapiest series of books I've ever touched. Every time Gabaldon needs some kind of dramatic conflict, rape is her go-to. It just got kinda lazy and I eventually had to stop reading them.

I'm constantly shocked he hasn't gotten better roles than he has.

If by "the scenery" you mean Kevin McKidd, then . . . yes.

I've actually skipped past it on Netflix multiple times because it looked like a dumb adventure film, but this description actually makes me want to watch it.

Yeah, I thought AV Club undersold it a bit above. It has a lot of the same beats as Game of Thrones, but the Vorenus/Pullo relationship gives it a heart that GOT doesn't have (and to be fair, isn't intended to have) that makes it really enjoyable to watch.

Because we're up against significantly higher ranked teams?

Suarez does it because, in the heat of the moment, the only thing he cares about is winning the game. He doesn't think about anything past that moment. If it can win them the game—and plenty of times, his dirty play DOES win his team the game, which is why he keeps doing it—then he'll do it, without worrying about

Some American teams (high school/college level) use the stopped clock, and basically everybody hates it. Whatever you gain in timing accuracy is entirely outweighed by how much play momentum it kills.

Yeah, I'd be incredibly surprised if Benjen doesn't appear again before the series is over. I'm not necessarily invested in the Coldhands theory, but he'll show up somewhere.

Megan Wants a Millionaire was cancelled mid-season because one of the millionaires ("millionaires"? I don't know) turned out to be a murderer.

Yeah, I watched it once on Netflix and then didn't watch the rest of the show for three more years because I was so put off by it.

In my opinion, Lost versus The Good Wife is apples and oranges. I said this above, but I think the characters on Lost were generally pretty poorly written—well, "poorly" might be an overstatement, but most of them weren't well-written. There were a lot lazy shortcuts and cliches and places where the writers took the

Nah, it seems like a coincidence. They're far from the only two pieces of media to use it that way. Although I think Lost has now ruined it for everybody, at least for a generation or so. I remember somebody who worked on Game of Thrones saying they had to change the books' Others to the show's White Walkers because