lucy pevensie

I was listening to the radio tonight and found out that the more conservative of my city's two country radio stations apparently censors Zac Brown Band's "Toes"—in the line "I roll a big fat one," what would you guess would be the most likely word to get censored? Apparently it's "fat."

I'm pretty sure they actually turned the volume UP while he was moaning, actually. It was fucking bizarre. And equally bizarre that the Olympics officials just let him ski away. Just because he can get up after that doesn't mean that he should. In general, the lack of medical attention given to skiers/snowboarders

"Exploring a bid" doesn't really mean that they have the popular support to actually carry through on it. (Or the budget, or the history of hosting large-scale athletic competitions that's necessary to impress the IOC, etc.) In some of those cases it basically means they've said they're open to hosting or it's

I don't think anybody in the U.S. wants to host it anymore. It's a given at this point that hosting the Olympics is usually nothing but a net negative for a developed country. Chicago came close to winning a bid a few years back (for the 2016 Games), and lost it pretty much solely on the basis that nobody in Chicago

Or baseball, which is virtually unplayable without an umpire. Can soccer be played without a ref? Sure. Hockey, yes. Football gets iffy, but I'll give it the benefit of the doubt and say okay. But baseball, no way. You can't have baseball in a professional context without someone to judge balls from strikes. It's a

The one thing in HIMYD's favor is that the framing device is the only thing they're copying. Everything within the frame (the characters, the setting, the themes and storylines) can be totally different, and they'll still get "How I Met Your Mother" fans tuning in, at least for the first six episodes or so to give it

I could've sworn that "I Fall to Pieces" had her seeing the guy with somebody else, but nope, she's the one that's out with other guys in that song.

I think the hair-splitting was about the fact that it's his current girlfriend (or a girl he wants to date?) getting with somebody else, not a previous one.

Patsy Cline invented this genre, I'm pretty sure.

I'm pretty sure you could make a longer list about this topic composed entirely of Fall Out Boy songs.

A list of the worst things I've ever drank could be assembled solely of things I slammed at 8:30 A.M. before Badger football games. A bottle of SoCo straight, split three ways, flavored rum mixed with diet Mountain Dew, Country Time lemonade powder mixed straight into the vodka . . . Now that I'm old, it gives me

I grew up in Madison and was ten when the crush happened. I still remember looking at the headlines the day after; until that point, I had no idea that something like that could even happen. It kicked off recurring nightmares, no joke.

Fair warning: this is something that would probably best be discussed off of disqus, and the following comment is far longer than any disqus comment has a right to be. I'm also far from a professional so I don't think my opinion on this carries much weight. But since you asked . . .

It sounds like they've filmed most of his scenes already, and IMO there's nothing his character does that can't be transferred to another character if need be. It might make his character arc less interesting than it otherwise might have been, but it wouldn't ruin the movie or anything.

I would assume most of the people in this comment section have heard of it. And it won an Emmy, so that's, like, at least three more people right there.

Yeah, I don't know if anybody here reads John Green, but this directly reminds me of his "books belong to their readers" campaign, meaning that one of the best parts of being a reader is that what happens after the book is over is entirely up to your imagination. You don't need to write a letter to him, or to J.K.,

Her adult literary fiction sold a million copies in three weeks and got mixed reviews. But yeah, it's time for her to either let go of Harry and move on to something else, or to go full in and start writing some sequels. These little "behind the scenes" tidbits she drops get less cute every single time.

The Connecticut state attorney claimed that the evidence to pursue Allen was there, but that he was disinclined to press charges because he thought it would be too traumatizing for Dylan, and Dylan agreed. It had nothing to do with not having enough witnesses.

Go for it!

I think by far the likeliest explanation is that an assistant, manager or publicist okayed Mia's inclusion in the tribute without running it by her at all.