lucy pevensie

Sandy definitely kissed Rebecca at least once, maybe twice? I don't think it went farther than that. I remember that pretty vividly because it's when I stopped going out of my way to watch the show, haha. The real Sandy Cohen would never cheat on Kirsten!

A line so memorable that somebody felt the need to include it in the wikipedia summary for that episode!

(from way back, but . . . )

I know season 2 of "The O.C." is a horrible memory we all like to pretend never happened, but that doesn't mean the Rebecca plotline doesn't exist.

Absolutely! The first time I watched the show, I was 12 or 13, and just as in love with Jordan as Angela was. As an adult, obviously, I can only shake my head and think, "Jesus, girl, get a clue." The show gets a lot of praise for accurately capturing those high school feelings, but I think that undersells just how

It was mostly kept under wraps until ten years ago or so. I remember that when it was taken off the year, most people just treated it as a case of meddling execs, and that impression lasted for years after the show's demise. The fact that Danes wanted out only came out (to most people, at least) after the show had

Yeah, I got the first round of DVDs after being on a waiting list for something like two years for them. I remember paying something like $120 for them . . . still worth it.

Mostly Black Swan, which is kind of funny as thus far most of the ballet TV shows have been pitched at teen/tween audiences.

I think she's just one of those celebrities who doesn't feel the need to officially come out but isn't hiding anything either. I don't think there's any need to make some official proclamation of gayness when anybody who knows anything about the music industry or celebrities already knows she is.

Schoolboy Q uses it in "White Walls," and I know a few people who got confused and thought it was Macklemore who had said it. I don't really know how you can mix the two of them up, since their verses sound completely different. Beyond that, I've never heard any other allegations.

Citizen Kane is totally worth it even if you know the end, because the rest of the movie hasn't really entered pop culture enough for anybody to feel like they've already seen it. But there's a whole subset of movies—Star Wars, Psycho, It's a Wonderful Life—where literally every meaningful moment has been so parodied

There's a documentary about Bronies on Netflix right now that basically backs this up. MLP has the added bonus of the show basically centering around themes of friendship, respecting each other, working together, etc., and so it draws people who are even more attracted to those ideas than the usual fan community. Most

I think most of them are enjoyable to watch at least once, so you can piece together what you missed the first time. After that first rewatch, though, there's a lot of variance. For something like The Sixth Sense, where the twist is the raison d'etre for the entire movie, it rapidly devalues after the first rewatch.

I want to know if there's anybody out there that actually made it to the end of the Song of Ice and Fire books without being spoiled. I feel like the internet has made it basically impossible. Even googling the most innocuous, tangentially related things leads to spoilers for it.

I was spoiled as to who was going to die in GOT, but not when, so I spent the better part of two books reading every scene they appeared wondering if this was where it would finally happen. It was really distracting, and I missed out on a lot of other important plot points in those scenes because I was more focused on

Wasn't the film's budget less than a million dollars? Yeah, they only made $16m, but on that kind of filming budget, $16m is a pretty big success, and far more than anyone expected. The fact that it was a low-budget indie probably didn't help his chances at receiving a nomination (he wouldn't have gotten one anyway;

That would mean that somebody commenting here would have had to have seen Philomena.

I don't think they need to kill it entirely, but it would be nice if they could shift the format to one like the Best Picture arrangement, where they can nominate as many (or as few, in reality) pictures as they feel deserve it. There's no need to be pulling out stuff like Despicable Me 2 just to fill out the category.

I'm pretty sure all the rest were traditional folk songs so they weren't eligible, which is unfortunate because there was some gorgeous stuff in that movie.

Bring the pina coladas and you're in.